Chapter 1

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Life is always full of endings and beginnings. Kirishima just didn't think he'd be starting his day riding the tram to work next to the number one hero. It wasn't the worst thing in the world. Kirishima had teamed up with Deku many times on the field like any other hero. He still kept close contacts with many of the UA alum whether for hero business connections or just to hang out with friends. He shouldn't have been at all nervous receiving a call from Deku asking to ride the tram with him to work so they can "talk." Yet here he was, the number 24 hero, trying to grip his slippery sweating hands on a pole while Deku held his muscular flexed arm up to hold onto one of the hand wraps. Deku was already rambling on about something but Kirishima could hardly focus.

Why was he so nervous? Maybe because his scattered brain was still trying to wake up from morning grogginess. He hadn't had a cup of coffee yet in order to make it here on time. Maybe because he hadn't really talked much with Midoriya outside of work for years? They do work a lot and not everyone can be available to get a beer or coffee every once in a while. Especially when you're the number one hero.

Or maybe it's because they hadn't really talked much at all since high school? Since All Might's funeral...since Deku started dating Bakugou...Bakugou...

Kirishima tried not to get too distracted by it, but every once in a while his mind would wander back to his old best friend. It all happened so fast. When Bakugou started seeing Midoriya, things just started to change with him and Kirishima's dynamic. Of course they would hang out less, Bakugou had dates with Midoriya now. Of course they didn't always have lunch together, Bakugou was sitting with Midoriya. Even though it all made sense, it didn't make it any easier as he felt Bakugou drift away from him. It didn't help that all the times he'd see Bakugou lean into Midoriya's space, or whisper in Midoriya's ear, or hold Midoriya's hand that Kirishima deep down wished it was he who Bakugou was doing all those things to. Had he just confessed sooner- would it have made any difference? Would Bakugou have ever done all the things he did with Midoriya with him?

"And of course being his best friend, you'd be at his wedding." Kirishima's ears perked at Deku's comment but he seemed to not notice the change in stature and he continued. "I really am excited to see you there, but I just really needed to ask you..don't come near Kacchan."

Kirishima felt even more awake at the mention of Bakugou. It was the first time Midoriya had ever mentioned the loud blonde since doing hero work with Kirishima. "Mido-bro, you don't have to worry or anything. I'm honored to be invited and everything, but Bakugou probably hasn't thought of me as his best friend since high school and I'm not sure how to avoid the groom at his own wedding."

Now Midoriya was looking at him like he just told him he likes to drop kick babies for fun. His eyebrows scrunched so tight together, while he murmured the puzzle pieces together under his breath. His eyes widened as it seemed to click. "Oh! You think I'm talking about Kacchan getting married? Did you not get invited to Kaminari's wedding next week?"

Kirishima blinked very slowly as he felt those puzzle pieces disconnect in his brain. "Kaminari's wedding...KAMINARI'S WEDDING! Oh my god, you're right, that's next week!"

This exclamation seemed to cast giggles upon the greenette. He grinned ear-to-ear that reminded Kirishima too much of all the hope that smile has inspired over the years. "Oh Kirishima-kun, you should really listen more." Deku was then stepping off the tram at his stop. He turned one last time to Kirishima with that golden smile. "But please don't forget my words. Whatever you do at Kaminari's wedding next week, don't you dare come anywhere near Kacchan. If you do, I will know."

The smile never left his face. Instead of hope though Kirishima could only feel a sickening twist of fear in his chest. Even with such a threat. Kirishima couldn't get it out of his head as the tram sped to the next stop. Bakugou is going to be at the wedding next week.

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