Chapter 3

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Whenever a big change happens in your life, you tend to want to make a big time change of your own. A friend gets married, you start thinking about settling down. Someone has a baby, you think about adopting. Or in this case, a hero dies...and it reminds everyone of how short life is. Maybe that's the time you find the motivation to take chances.

Take chances...Kirishima thought to himself as he made his way through the graveyard to where Bakugou stood. Despite the formality of it all, Bakugou still refused to wear a tie. Instead he wore a black button down with black trousers. His ash blonde hair looked pale with all the dark colors around them, and despite not showing it around their classmates, Bakugou's eyes were red and puffy. It was almost like his irises were bleeding out. The thought unsettled Kirishima but not as much as knowing his best friend was hurting.

They were all hurting, sure. But Kirishima was close enough to Bakugou to know this loss was a bit worse. His idol has died, the hero that has been inspiring Bakugou since he was a child is gone. The number one hero All Might is dead...

"You going to say something or just keep staring?" Bakugou grumbled as Kirishima snapped out of his daze.

"Ah, well" Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck nervously "I was wondering, well, um..."

At these points when you realize how short life is, you take chances. So it would make sense for Kirishima to take that chance. To tell Bakugou how he truly feels. Then it occurred to him confessing your long-term crush on your best friend at his hero's funeral doesn't sound all too romantic.

Bakugou rolled his eyes "If you're going to ask me if I'm going to be ok, don't even bother. Like I'd have an answer standing here right now." Bakugou gazed out over the gravestones, a glisten in his eyes.

Both stand there in a quiet silence, before Kirishima speaks "I know a lot of people have probably already said this to you already, but I think he'd be really proud of you. Of all you've achieved, it's always been clear he took pride in his students, especially you."

Bakugo grunts, not really listening until Kirishima keeps going "You remember the Sports Festival?"

"The Sports Festival?"

"Yeah, man," he laughs. "I mean, you were amazing in it. I think that was when I knew I really wanted to date-"


"I mean," Kirishima squeaked. "be your friend. And even though he had to shove the medal in your mouth and I know you don't ever want to accept that win,"Bakugou snorted and rolled his eyes. Though he let Kirishima keep talking. "I think it was still pretty amazing how proud he still was of your hard-work. He recognized how great you were, despite what others say. He never lacked any shine when it came to showing how proud he was of his students, huh?"

Bakugo looks up at him for a couple seconds making Kirishima's heart slow thinking he spoke stupid instead of Japanese but then he smirks, "Whatever, Shitty Hair."
Kirishima feels his heart instantly warm at that smirk.That is enough. We don't need to change things. As long as he keeps looking at me like that, that's all I need. Then they started to feel the rain drops. People started getting out umbrellas and leaving.

Kirishima fumbled with his umbrella as Bakugou took out his own. "Better get going, huh?" Kirishima chuckled. Bakugou nodded but after his first step, he paused. Kirishima followed his gaze to where many eyes had already glanced with pity.

Across the way, still standing at the fresh grave, was Midoriya. His head hung low as he stared at the grave. He made no move for an umbrella of any sort, nor tried to protect himself from the rain. His overgrown green locks hid his expression but none of his classmates needed to see to know the inner turmoil Midoriya has been going through. No one could deny All Might wasn't just his all time favorite hero; he was his mentor, a father figure. No one could blame him for being oblivious standing in the middle of the graveyard as the rain poured down on him.

Endings to Beginnings ~Kiribaku~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя