Part 4

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Mello hated the smell of the strong disinfectant that hit him as he walked through the door. He readjusted the strap for the bag he brought with him.

He hated that Near had to be there.

The younger boy managed to make it through two days following the second examination before Roger and the doctor determined he would need more tests. Mello recalled the conversation earlier.

Mello stepped into Roger's office, closing the door behind him. The old man sat behind his desk, gesturing for the teen to sit.

"What's going on, Roger?" Mello asked, lowering himself onto the chair.

"Mello, I'm afraid I have some unfortunate news to share about Near." Mello felt sick as the words reached him.

"Near's condition is worsening quickly. Last night, after I sent you to bed it was decided that we needed to take Near to the hospital. yOU-"

"And you waited this long to say something?" Mello raged, and the teen was instantly on his feet.

"You had your lessons. I didn't want to disrupt you. Watari and I thought it was for the best that you-"

"I already told you-"

You're not going with him, I know. After a prolonged argument against the policy, Near refused to allow it. You won't have to stay with him. I just wanted you to know that you don't need to worry about sitting in his room. I also didn't want it to be a surprise when you noticed his absence.

Watari is with him right now. It's my understanding that he's still in the emergency department and might be for a while. He'll call with updates."

.What's going on, Roger?" Mello demanded angrily. "If Watari 's here-"

"Calm down. There's no use getting upset until we-"

"I'm guessing Watari isn't going to be staying the whole time. What happens after he goes back to L?" Mello demanded.

"You're right. He'll be there until we find out what needs to be done.

Near insists he'll be fine alone. He- Mello what are you doing?" The teen was now on his way out the door, stopping in his room to grab his bag, gathering a few of his belongings, and continuing to Near's room.

The teen made his way through the reception area over to the double doors. A sign had been posted prohibiting anyone aside from authorized personnel and patients from entering.

Mello grumbled in irritation. He peered through the small window in the door. The nurses' station was just visible. To the right, Mello could see patient rooms. After another moment, Watari emerged from the last room, his cell phone in his hand. Mello could only assume the person on the other end was Roger.

Mello took a step back, looking down the corridor, hoping he could find another way in. He began to walk back toward the reception desk.

"Come on." He whispered, "There's always a second door." The hall lights were dimmer now, and the corridor was mostly empty save for the occasional stretcher or wheelchair.

When he finally came to another door that had not been closed properly. He carefully pulled it open to find himself on the opposite side of the Nurses' station.

"Near's on the other side in the back. I'll just have to take a detour." He cautiously moved inside, darting into the first empty room, waiting for the doctor to pass. He noticed the now empty nurse station and crossed the hall quickly.

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