Chapter 2

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Daddy's home guys 😏

Surprised, you stare at him. Damn, his eyes...Like a starry sky, you can look into them for hours and still never get bored. And then Y/n recognized him.

Tom Kaulitz.

A pretty famous guitarist of the band Tokio Hotel. And a big player. Until now, you hadn't really dealt with him, which is why
Y/n didn't recognize him from the beginning. To that you have to say you were pretty drunk and maybe a little stoned.

"I know who you are and I know that you often kidnap girls to go with them..."

"Stop, are you telling me that you prefer a depressive walk to a once in a lifetime opportunity to ride in a car with a wonderful guy like me?" he grinned and crossed his muscular arms in front of his chest.

The word "wonderful guy" sent a shiver down your spine. You would have loved to agree and marry him, but that would be..totally crazy. Wouldn't it? Damn, what am I talking about?

"Maybe that's a good idea, after all..."
"Perfect, get in!" Just as the girl was about to convince him, and to some extent herself, that her drunken state was the reason she was getting in, Tom gently but firmly interrupted Y/n.

Now they are both sitting in Tom's car. It has black leather seats and it seems to have been very expensive. You wrinkle your nose. You didn't like rich people. Or rather, you didn't like people throwing their money out the window just because they had some.

"Are you okay?"

Tom's soft voice interrupted thoughts about money.

"What, huh?"

"You wrinkled your nose and looked strained, is everything okay?"

"yeah, when do we get there?"

"mhm, it depends on when you want us to be there...". A furtive grin flitted across his face.

"Tom!" You give him a light punch on the arm, laughing.

"Ow, my arm, it's broken!" he whines in a taunted manner before you gently squeal into your thigh.

At his touch, your thigh starts to throb and you turn as red as a tomato.

Tom notices, looks down to hide his (happy?) smile, but you notice and get a little redder, if that's even possible.

After your little fight, no one says anything, but Tom's hand is still on your thigh. If you are honest with yourself, Y/n likes the feeling of his touch and says nothing about it.

After 5 minutes of driving Tom's car stops in front of your house. Somehow it feels weird to get out. Probably you will never see him again...Oh damn, what was Y/n talking about?

You look at him smiling, breathed a thank you before turning around and leaving the car.

But, the door was locked.

"Tom? Can you unlock the door, please?"

"Let me think..." he stroked his chin with his hand, "Nope."


"Key vs. kiss?"

"Eww no!"

He pushed his lip forward a bit, "Okay then different. Key vs kiss!"

"You're crazy!"

"I'm crazy?  You can't expect me to drive you home and then not expect anything in return!"
He spread his legs and thrust upward to show her what he meant.

In your belly, the butterfly that had been fluttering wildly there just now at Tom's touch seemed to die. So he wanted just the one thing after all. But why did that interest you? He is Tom Kaulitz. He has already broken more girls' hearts than he has bought guitars (I know the comparison is a bit weird but never mind). So it was to be expected.

Tom's Pov

Oh fuck, what the fuck did I just babble about. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. All I wanted was a kiss before we might never see each other again! Now she thinks I'm a bad fuck boy and I've had more girls than guitars in my life, for whatever reason everyone thinks I have a nation of guitars.

Shit I have to save the situation somehow now. Right now she looks pretty disappointed.

Y/n's Pov:

"Sorry, I didn't mean it," he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, getting damn close to you.

Suddenly he put his lips to my cheek and you could breathe in his scent. Shit this guy smelled good!

But it was wrong. You had to stop him from continuing to break your heart.

You pulled away and stared at him.



DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!! Ohh guysss drama knocking at the door!!!

Proof of Fate (English) Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now