Chapter Twenty Three

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Cole's POV
I wake up my head pounding. God, did I drink a whole bottle last night? And how the hell did I get home? I can't remember much after Dan left to fire whatever her name was.

I go to get up, but the door to my bedroom opens and Georgie walks in with a glass of water and a couple of aspirin in her hand. "Morning," she says. She hands them over to me and I grumble a thanks. "How are you feeling?" She asks. I close my eyes in contentment as she strokes my hair back out of my face.

"Like shit," I croak. "You came to the bar last night?"

Her eyes were sad. "Yeah, I was there."

"Don't look at me like that," I mutter.

"Like what?" She asks.

"Like you feel sorry for me," I growl.

"I am just worried," she says. "Dan says you only drink if you have nightmares."

Stupid Dan opened his mouth. "I am fine," I grumble.

"Okay," she whispers. "Just know I am here."

"Where did you sleep?" I ask.

"On the couch," she answers. "I didn't think it was appropriate to get into bed with you."

"You should've put me on the couch," I say. "It's not comfy on that thing."

"I was fine," she says. "I got up and went for a walk and stuff anyway."

I could just imagine that hot body under that Nike jumper. Wait-

"Is that mine?" I question.

She giggles and gets into the bed with me. "Your house is freezing and I didn't have my own."

I hum with approval. "It looks good on you."

"Do you think I should model for Nike?" Georgie asks. She stands up on the bed and starts posing and making faces.

I bark out a laugh. "Oh, they would love you."

She drops onto her knees and I grab her waist, pulling her into my lap. "I, uh cleaned your house too," she admits. "I got bored."

"You could've woken me," I murmur.

"I didn't want to in case you might-" she stops herself before she says it. In case I might choke her again.

"You're not gonna hurt my feelings by saying it," I state. "I know what happens."

"I know, but I hate making people feel bad," she says. Her hands start running up and down my bare chest. "You shouldn't feel bad for something you can't control."

"It's hard not to," I admit. "Especially when it's someone special like you."

She gives me a soft smile. "I like your tattoos," she comments. Her fingers glide over the angel wings on my chest. "I love these. What are they for?"

"It's a secret," I whisper with a teasing tone. I just didn't want to tell her.

Nobody understands.

"I don't want to tell the boys yet," Georgie says. We were sitting on the couch at Lenny and Seb's place after Lenny just cooked us a fabulous meal. "I don't want to get their hopes up."

"No that's fine," I say. "Not until this is serious."

She smiles. "You're amazing."

I wish I could kiss her right now, but the boys were still awake and there was an off chance one of them would come down the stairs and catch us.

We've been seeing each other for three weeks now. She makes me forget everything. Plus she's really funny.

We hadn't done anything besides kiss, which was fine because I knew about her past with her stupid ex-husband. We also don't do sleepovers because of me and my need to strangle anybody who touches me.

"What times do the boys have to be in bed?" I ask.

"Around 8 normally," Georgie answers. "Evan takes a lot to calm down."

"He is very energetic," I say.

"I will be back," she says. "I need the loo."

She rushes off upstairs and I slump back onto the couch. I was there for about ten minutes before I decided to go look for Georgie.

I overhear her and Lenny.

"It's never been like this before Lenny," Georgie says. "Even at the start of Ash and I's relationship I struggled to get into the act. The only orgasm I have had was by my stupid hand."

I scowl at that. He was an asshole.

"Cole is great," Georgie murmurs. "And he's been so good about not telling the boys."

I decided I had heard enough and walked into the boy's room. I found the two brushing their teeth in the ensuite.

Robert spits out the foam in his mouth. "You're still here?"

"Yeah, I have been hanging out with your mum," I answer.

"You are a really good friend to Mum," Evan says. "And you're my best friend."

"I would think Robert was your best friend," I tease.

Evan giggles. "Robert is my BBE."

I smile. "Best brother ever?"

Evan nods. They both race past me and jump onto the double bed.

"Cole, can I ask you something?" Robert asks, crossing his legs. I make my way over and sit on the ledge of the bed.

"Of course," I answer. "Ask away."

"What happened to you?" He questions softly and hesitantly.

I should've expected that.

I think about what I should say for a moment. "There are bad people in the world," I finally say. "A bad man decided it would be fun to take me away from my parents and he did bad things to me."

"Is he dead?" Robert asks.

"No," I answer. "He's in prison where he will be for the rest of his life."

"He hurt you?" Evan croaks. I nod. "But why would he do that?"

I couldn't say it was because he got hot and bothered by it to two nine-year-olds. "He liked inflicting pain on others," I answer instead.

"Like dad?" Robert whispers.

"No," I say. "I wouldn't say your dad liked it, I would say he did what he did because he was weak and wanted to show your mother who was boss."

"He hurt Mum," Evan says.

"He did," I say. "But your mum is one tough cookie."

"So are you," Robert says.

"Thanks, Robert," I murmur. "And boys, I am letting you know for your safety but if I can't see you do not touch me."

"Why not?" Evan questions.

"Because of the bad man, I have manic episodes," I explain. "I go into a state where I don't know what I am doing and I get defensive. I don't want to hurt you guys."

"Okay Cole," they both say at the same time. Freaky.

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