New day new country and new language

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It has been a few days since I got the call from the german national team coach and to say I was nervous was a massive understatement, because I was shitting myself and the team and the girls of the house have been nothing but supportive of me and my choice to go back to my place of birth and play for them. Alex was the most emotional of all the girls while Kelly and Mal and Megan and even the girls that dont live with us has been emotional and struggle to keep the tears down when I see them. 

Right now I am with the team and we are having a massive barbeque and we are having a whale of a time. As we are eating I can see that the girls even the new girls in the team are getting emotional because I have got to meet them and grow up with the older girls in the team. The moment dinner is finished is done They cant hold the tears in anymore and the girls's husband/boyfriends are getting worried for them but the girls always tell them its fine or you will find out later. We are now in the living room having dessert and drinking and chatting up a storm but that is all stopped when Alex and the girls went to get some stuff. The guys are now really suspicious and are getting a bit pissed off but when they saw all the gifts the girls brought down and placed infront of me they got the idea while I was a bit shocked to say the least. THe girls all bought me gear and random stuff to take to Germany. They all gave them to me with teary eyes.

Here is what Alex and the girls got me.

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( They made it )

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( They made it )

All that and a bunch of photos in frames and the most touching one that made me tear up is a photo what Alex got me of the both of us while I am sleeping on her lap when I was younger. I saw it and hugged her hard while I was fighting the tears after about two whole miutes of hugging her I got myself in check. the last of the gifts is a photo of the team and me after they won there last worldcup. After all this we all go to bed.


It is the next morning and I am getting everything ready for it is a whole new experience and I am nervous as all hell. After alot of reassurance from the team I got in the car and it is just Alex taking me that got me excited because she is just the best to ride with.


At the airport now and Alex got me a USWMNT jersey with all the autographs and words of encouragement from the team. Boarding the plane was a moment of holy shit I am going to represent my birth country.


After landing in Germany I am greeted by alot of fans cheering for me apparently I am one of the worst kept secrets in the history in modern Germany. After interacting with the fans I finally realised that I am happier in Germany than in the US and the funny thing is that this played on the radio in the taxi

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