(T-T) 2 (T-T)

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"Soonie, Doongie, Dori, what should I do?" Lee Know sighed, staring at his cats. They just meowed at him for food.

"I know it's time to eat, I'll do it right now." He slowly pulled himself off the couch and went to the kitchen.

As his cats ate, all Lee Know thought about was Han. What if he thinks I'm weird? What if I'm just a hyung to him? What if he's scared of me? What if I completely screw up the song and he realizes how talentless I am?

He never had this problem before, he'd always been confident in himself. But suddenly Han had come into his life, and it shook him up.

But, Han was two years younger than him, so he probably wasn't interested in someone two years his senior.

At least he seemed pretty happy when they were together. Maybe Han liked being with him. He couldn't know for sure unless he asked him.

Yeah... but he'd have to ask him first.


After their coffee date, Lee Know and Han started texting a lot, even if they didn't talk much at school because they didn't have any overlapping classes.

Of course Han loved being closer to Lee Know, he felt excited every time Lee Know smiled or waved at him when they passed each other in the hallway between classes or whenever Lee Know left a sticky note on his locker with any random thing on it, like a picture of his cats.

And when Lee Know asked for Han's locker password Han wondered why but he gave it to him anyways. And once a week Lee Know would leave something in it for him, like a snack or even a cup of coffee.

According to everything Han knew about love, these had to be signs that Lee Know liked him but Han just couldn't bring himself to believe it was true.

By now Hyunjin, Jeongin, Felix, and even Seungmin had started to pressure Han to ask Lee Know out.

"Mmm Hannie-hyung, you gotta ask him soon," nagged Jeongin. "There's a school party-thing coming up and I know someone's gonna ask him. What if he says yes?"

"Yes? To who though? I don't think he's ever gone to a school party; actually I heard that during the last one he was camping in the woods near the school."

"Really? Well I don't know but if you ask him I think he'll say yes," shrugged Hyunjin, reaching over to grab Jeongin. The two of them had made up and actually started secretly dating a few weeks ago.

Han sighed. "But I don't know... the type of person he is, I don't think you can tell if he's interested in you or not."

"Just ask."

Felix quickly jumped in to defend Han. "I think Hannie's just too afraid to get hurt, right Han?" He looked over at Han, who quickly nodded.

No one said anything else, so Seungmin broke the silence. "Let's play a game, everyone!"

"Like what? Truth or dare?"

"Yeah sure."

"I'll go first," volunteered Felix. No one really cared so they let him.

"Hyunjin, truth or dare."

"Uh... truth."

"Aw c'mon Hyunjin you're so soft."

"I don't want to start off crazy. Plus, who knows what you'll come up with."

It was true, Felix always came up with the scariest dares. But to be honest his truths were kinda sharp too.

"Hmmm, would you give up dance for Jeongin?"

Hyunjin groaned. "Yes, I would, but you didn't have to make it hard from the beginning."

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