(T-T) 4 (T-T)

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"Lee Know-hyung, I don't think I can make it this week," Han told Lee Know as he clutched the phone in his hand.

"Why not?!"

"I-have to go somewhere."



"What?! I'm coming over."
"But—" Lee Know had already hung up.

In less than five minutes (he must've been speeding) Lee Know showed up at Han's front door.

"Hannie what happened?"

Han opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Instead his eyes filled with tears and they spilled down his cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Immediately Lee Know felt a pang of concern, his Hannie was crying in front of him.

"My mom—" Han gasped, burying his face into Lee Know's chest and bawling his eyes out.

"Your mom what? Han, I can't bear seeing you cry, tell me what's wrong so I can help you."

"Help me do what? She's—dead!" and Han burst into fresh tears.

Lee Know didn't know what to say, all he could do was hug Han even tighter and rub his back.

"When are you leaving jagi?"

Han looked up and stopped crying for a split second. "W-what did you just say?"

"Uh-I just asked when you were leaving."

"Oh... as soon as possible, I'll probably get on the train tonight if I can."

"Okay, to the airport?"

Han nodded, and Lee Know pulled out his phone and booked the tickets.

"Is two hours enough to get ready?"

Han stared at Lee Know. "You booked it already?"

"Of course, I want you to be as stress-free as possible."

"Thanks hyung."

"Oh, and something else."


"I'm going with you until the airport."


A few hours later Lee Know and Han were on the high-speed train toward the airport. Han had fallen asleep on Lee Know's shoulder, exhausted from crying.

Lee Know texted their friends and of course they were shocked and Felix lamented that they couldn't have sent them off or helped in any way but Lee Know kinda told them about going on the train when they were already on the train.

Jeongin said, "Lee Know-hyung, take good care of your Hannie," and Lee Know was like My Hannie? I hope he can be mine but I can't bring it up right now, seeing him like that.

He reached over and stroked Han's face softly.

Then he pulled out his phone and booked himself a plane ticket.


Han slept then whole time and woke up only after Lee Know gently shook him when their stop was coming up.

"Hm? Oh, I'm coming."

Lee Know grabbed their bags, grabbed Han, and stepped off the train.

Han stood there looking at Lee Know. "Thank you so much hyung, I can't thank you enough, I wish you were going with me..." He looked down and Lee Know almost told him his plant but he caught himself.

"Yeah... I don't want you going by yourself."

"Well, I came to Korea as a transfer student by myself."

Still... well, I'll go as far as I can with you, okay?"

Han nodded, he knew Lee Know couldn't get past security because he didn't have a plane ticket.

Lee Know watched as Han passed through the security check and then Han turned around and blew a kiss to Lee Know as he headed to his terminal.

Right before he disappeared out of sight, Lee Know impulsively yelled,

"Han Jisung, I love you more than to Malaysia and back!"


Han froze. Did he hear that right? Did Lee Know just say he loved him "more than to Malaysia and back"?

But he couldn't go back and ask now, it would be embarrassing.

He quickly found a seat near his terminal and plopped down, dazed.

Lee Know said he loves me...


After about fifteen minutes Lee Know himself went through security, found the terminal, and sat a little bit away from Han.

He wanted it to be a complete surprise, so he was going to just nonchalantly sit down next to Han on the plane. (He had booked the seat next to Han's.)

After a little while the flight started boarding so Han got up to get in line and soon he disappeared into the plane.

Lee Know followed soon after and as he approached his seat he saw Han sitting in his seat with a tired look on his face. But Han didn't see him yet so He quietly put his luggage away and sat down next to Han, his hat and mask covering his face.

Lee Know had switched clothes so Han wouldn't recognize him right away and it was obviously working. Han didn't say anything to him, he just pulled out his phone to check the time.

Lee Know leaned over and pointed at Han's lock screen, which was a picture of them together.

"That guy's handsome, the one next to you."

"Hm?" Startled, Han looked up to see this shady masked guy. "Oh... that's my best friend."

"Just your best friend? Or more than that...?"

"Huh?" Han stared at the person next to him. This guy seemed way too familiar but he couldn't even see his face because of the hat and mask.

But the instant Lee Know took off his hat, Han knew.

"Oh baby, I love you more than to the moon and back."

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