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YOUTUBE || emmatravels has made a new community post!

I will be posting a video in the upcoming week with some very VERY exciting news!!

    I double check the battery level of the small camera, fully charged. I turn the camera on and take a breath before speaking. I always find it awkward when first starting a video.

    "Hello everyone! As you can tell by the title today we are preparing for a very large trip." I smile into the camera, making sure to look into the lens instead of the viewfinder. My voice could be heard through the apartment.

    "We will be going to multiple countries and I will be vlogging the whole experience for you guys," I stop before continuing. "I should probably let you know who is coming with us on this trip!"

    I don't bother to turn off the camera, running to find Daniel, also known as Danny Ric to my viewers. I find him standing at our kitchen counter.

    "First of course would be the one and only, Daniel Ricciardo," I say pointing the camera at him. Making him look up quickly and smile. "He will of course bring his camera." I turn the camera around to have it facing me again.

    "Saying that like it's a bad thing, ey?" The Australian laughs.

    "Taking it as a bad thing, ey?" I copy his accent when saying the last part.
    Everyone sees our relationship as playful, constantly teasing each other and what not. The camera doesn't see how he smiles at me after I copy him.

    "The other two-" I pause for a minute thinking of a title for them. "explorers?" I furrow my eyebrows, unsure if it's the right word.

    "You can just say our friends are on their way here." Daniel suggests. I find my rhythm with the camera in my hand, quickly turning it at Daniel when my head moves to look at him.

    "Yeah, but where's the fun in that, we are exploring technically." I tease him for questioning me. He raises his eyebrows at my reply.

    "Excited today, huh? I'll be an explorer too I guess." He accepts his fate as Danny Ric the Explorer. I'm just glad he's taking some time away from worrying about his brand.

    My phone in my back pocket lets out a quiet "ding!" I switch the camera to my non-dominant hand and grab my phone.

    "They are almost here!" I turn the camera back around and remind myself again to look into the camera lens. I set the camera down on the counter to text them back. This results in Daniel picking up my camera.

    He points it at me and I put my phone back in my camera, hand already moving to the counter to grab my camera before I hear quiet laughter. I look up quickly to see Daniel and the camera.

    "I'm not used to having other people film," I place my hands on my hips, not knowing what to do with them. "Daniel, you are so close to the camera they can probably hear you breathing." I laugh before grabbing the camera from his hands. He quickly places a quick kiss on my forehead once I get near him.

    Quiet knocks are made on the door, I run to open it. The camera immediately sees two people.

    "Our other two explorers are here! Chloe and Max." They both smile (albeit a little confused at their new titles) at the camera and I move out of the way to let them in. Closing the door behind them, I hug both of them.

    "Chloe and Max will also be joining us on our trip, I'm gonna start packing later though!" I added before turning off the camera. I turn to Chloe and Max who are now also at the kitchen counter. We catch up a bit, talking about stuff we've done since the last time we saw each other (which wasn't that long ago.)

    "I'm so excited, this is easily the most planned out trip I've ever done," I announced.

    Everyone (especially Daniel) has watched me plan everything for the last 6 months straight. I was lucky enough to have their help on everything but I did add some surprises.

    "I'm just glad you have hired an editor, watching you edit while in brazil last year was painful." Chloe replies, talking about the last trip we did. South America was fun but stressful due to me forgetting that I would have to edit my own videos, which took up a lot of my time.

    "Amelie is going to be my savior this time," I joke, shaking my head at the memories of my staying up until 2 am to finish a video. Daniel wasn't too happy of a camper during that, trying to make me go to bed and all.
    Amelie was my new editor, a sweet girl who is in need for experience. We've face-timed multiple times and she knows how to edit a lot better than I do. I change the conversation after the talk of my past bad decisions.

    "How has packing been?" I ask.

    "Just finishing up, I just need to pack the smaller bags." Max nods his head as he speaks.

    "That's good, but I'm going to steal your girlfriend now!" I grab Chloe's hand and my camera, speed walking to Daniel and I's bedroom.

    Once we get to the bedroom I set the camera up on my tripod and start it. The tripod faces both of us and the mess I've made of the floor and bed.

    "You have to help me decide on outfits." I motion my hand towards the pile of clothes I've set on the floor besides two large suitcases.
    I tell the camera what we are doing, Chloe speaking as well. Knowing that I would timelapse the video we didn't bother speaking to the camera after introducing what we are doing, focusing on our private conversation.

    "Is Max excited to come? I know he's usually busy." I smiled at Chloe, she knows how much I love hearing about her life.

    "He's really excited, he told me that he's just more wary of what you have planned." She held up a shirt, looking at it before tossing it to the "do not bring" pile."

    Max and I have known each other for a while, we have something of a cousin type relationship. I'm not afraid to mess with the man. I do have stuff planned though.

    "what? I've never done anything to Max to make him scared of me." I reply sarcastically, a small grin appearing on my face.

    "The halloween incident-" Chloe starts.

    "That was his own fault, he should've known I would be planning something." I add quickly.

    We talk about many different topics before we finally have the final pile of clothes that we've both decided on. I grab my camera from the tripod and show the pile of clothes I'm bringing, Chloe speaks to the camera about her own packing. Thankfully, everyone is pretty comfortable being on camera. Chloe is definitely more comfortable because of how long we've known each other which means she's been on the channel since the beginning.

    I shut off the camera and we walk back out of the room to see Daniel and Max sitting on the couch talking, about what is something I never ask.

    I know this video will span over at least 2 days so I don't worry about filming every moment of the day. I enjoy just spending time with my friends off camera. We join the Max and Daniel on the couch, we talk about the places we are going, the things we want to do, and what everyone thinks I have planned.

(a/n): first chapter 🤞 just so I can really introduce the characters and plot, this is really just a chill fic since I am working on a more plot heavy one 🤭 please don't be a silent reader! comment!

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