Chapter 7: He's Beauty, He's Grace, He's Part of the Asgardian Race

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Glass cell. Gut on fire. Bruised face.

What a time to be alive.

That's right, glass cell. The same model as used on Loki eight years ago in the Battle of New York.

Because of this - being locked in a cell - you'd had lots of time to think. Piecing things together, it was summed up the best like so: You were being chased by Hydra and currently held hostage by the Avengers, whereas it was likely the S.H.I.E.L.D team would show up also.

But there was a connection between them all. Not the rivalry between Hydra and Shield, and not the fact that they were even using you as bait to catch Loki. That much was clear. No, something bigger was at work.
Someone with much more mind power, someone with a much greater want for revenge.

Now, you laid on your back, keeping pressure off your stomach. Tossing a snow ball to yourself for entertainment, and legs propped up against the glass.

After throwing it up once more, you let it fall and hit your face, the cold spreading around your features.

"Yes, sir," you sang, hollow laughter mixed with your words. "We are literally under attack by planet freaking Jupiter."

"More like planet Smashed Ice."

Sitting up, you faced the person who interrupted your fun.

"Fury, not now." You whined. "I'm busy. I don't have time for interrogation."

"You are in a cell. You aren't going anywhere. You have time to kill." Nick replied, hands behind his back, single eye penetrating your soul. "You're going to be interrogated whether you like it," he stepped away, a new figure filling you line of vision, "or not."

"I refuse to speak with Mr. Snark!" Your voice echoed as Fury's footsteps faded and you glared at Tony. "Go the heck away."

"Rather a troublesome kid, aren't you?"

"I prefer walking entity of sass," you argued. "Now if you'll excuse moi, I have some cluing for looks to do."

Tony stood there, unaffected. "Want a blueberry?" He offered one your direction before pulling away with a grin. "Oh, whoops, you can't have any. Stuck in a glass cell really is limiting."

"Would you shut up?" Finally standing to your feet, you shot ice at his face, which froze against the glass. "You lower the IQ of the whole Hellicarrier when you speak, and it's not very polite."

Both of you huffed.

Walking around to the other side, Stark faced you and shrugged. "So what's up with being at the Hydra base?"

"What's up with you sticking your nose into my business?"

"Do they have something you want?" He continued, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe John Garett?"

The name struck home. You growled, throwing a punch at the glass cage before howling at the pain. Rage flowed in your veins and you felt your lips become a tight line. "Don't ever say his name around me. I...have...things unfinished...with that man."

"Strike one, (your name)," Tony taunted. "Next question sector: What exactly did he do to make you miffed?"

For a moment, you paused. You could come clean, explain the whole incident. Show your scars and wounds.


You blinked, surprised.

No, the voice said again. It was a whispered tone, and it sent a tingling down your spine. Not of horror, but if wonder.

Tortured Genius (A Marvel Fanfiction: Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now