Chapter 12: Weep Little Lion Man

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[Flashback Through the Eyes of ???]

"Here's to the crazy ones." They said.

I looked up at their face, watching a glimmer of hope flash across their features.

They took my hand, pointing to the streets where things burned and smoked, where people screamed and cried. Everything was beginning to step into the stage of ruin, where loved ones were lost and friends fell to death's grip.

But they still stood here. It was usually me, taking the lead and encouraging them but today, they stood tall. Proud and with the aura of leadership.

"The misfits." They continued, gesturing to me and them. "The rebels. The troublemakers."

"The round pegs in square holes!" I added, catching on. They nodded with a brief smile.

"The ones who see things differently," they agreed. "We're not fond of rules, see, and have no respect for the status quo."

I closed my eyes. "You can quote us, disagree with us, glorify or vilify us."

"About the only thing you can't do is ignore us."

"Because we change things." I said.

"We push the human race forward." They ruffled my black hair, staring into my dark blue eyes. "And while some may see us as the crazy ones, others see genius."

"Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world," we said it together this time, grinning and starting to run in the direction of destruction.

"Are the ones who do."

Laughing we took off together, running into the heat of battle. They stayed at my side, tossing me a Chitauri weapon, and firing a substance at the enemy.

We were the crazy ones. We were the misfits.

The rebels. The troublemakers.

The round pegs in square holes.

We were the ones who saw things differently.

We weren't fond of rules, and we had no respect for the status quo.

You could quote us, disagree with us or vilify us.

But the one thing you can't do is ignore us.

Because we change things.

We push the human race forward.

And while some see us as the crazy ones, others see genius.

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world...

Are the ones who do.

I threw my weight at another Chitauri, firing off curses and insults my parents would've cautioned me against. But it didn't matter. Their life and mine were at stake. We rose and fell together.
And, it was okay.

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