ELEVEN - "Love of my life."

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Danny Bixler, poised by his bedroom door, shirtless and aching, bloodied and beaten, found himself wondering what his death might be like.

It was morbid, truly, to imagine one's own demise. How old might he be? Would it be old age to take him to the weeds? Or something else entirely? Would there be anyone left to survive him?

Normally, such questions would be expected of a somebody in the midst of a mid life crisis, Dan was young after all, he was nowhere near mid life. However, the predicament with that was that Danny believed, that since the dawn of that fateful day had broken, he'd been having an ongoing one ever since.

And if that night were to be his last would a midlife crisis be long over due anyway?

Those irrepressible thoughts of death had found home in his mind, they'd festered within him since the moment he'd witnessed his mother's corpse on the hallway floor, and they refused to leave upon every second that he saw his family and the love of his life in harms way.

The love of his life.

He hadn't even realised.

But standing in front of Lyds, his body her shield, his fists clutching a stupid foam bat and his mind hung on his own downfall, he found that he'd never wanted to call her anything else.

Death may have been his horror, but the blonde found that nothing had ever opened his eyes more.

"You ready?" He kissed her temple then, all the while his hand gripped the doorknob.

She kissed his cheek in return. "Ready."

And so without a semblance of hesitation the Bixler boy threw open his bedroom door and swung his weapon with everything in him. He didn't relent for a single moment, swinging again and again, harder each time, until finally he felt the harsh tugs at his arm and heard his aunt's voice cussing him out.

"What the fuck Danny?" Beth hissed rubbing her shoulder, "Why the fuck do you have a bat?"

"Sorry Aunt Beth." He swallowed.

"What the hell?"

"We thought you were one of them."

"Yeah? Well I don't think you're gonna kill one of those things with that." Beth rolled her eyes, "And where's your shirt?"

"I-uh..." Danny mumbled, "Must've lost it."

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