Sweet Lady Death

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Nothing against it, Poe forgive me, but the hooded scares me.

Even more so when she doesn't wear disguises.

One day I was walking at night near my house, and BOOM! I bumped into the Unspeakable around the corner, big black hood, scythe and all. I tripped over her and she dropped some papers on the sidewalk.

I didn't move, just watched as she mumbled and hurriedly gathered everything together.

-Hey bro, help me here!

-What do you want?

-Obviously it's not a robbery, human! Help me, I'm in a hurry.

I helped her with the paperwork and took the opportunity to take a look at the names on the list, where's mine?

Everything disorganized. Now I understand why these weird and clumsy deaths happen.

-What? - as she fixes her hood.

-Nothing, nothing.

-Do you know where this address is?

She showed me a black paper. What a beautiful handwriting, I thought.

-Oh, stay there! In that house.

-Hmm, yeah, yeah. Thanks.

I didn't remember if answering Death was bad luck. But now I had already talked to her.

-You thought I came to get you, didn't you? Humans! Do you think you're so special?

-Don't need to be rude.

-Hey, hold on. Look back here, see if my clothes are torn.

-It's not possible. It didn't tear, but it's dirty here.

I rubbed saliva on my hand, dusted it off her clothes.

-Ready. You can go. Beautiful. Great style, huh?

-Yeah yeah.

-May I know who's gonna die? Or how?

-Oh, sure. Mr. Jack will die of old age.

-Mr. Jack, from the shoe store?


-But what's the big deal about dying of old age?

-What? Come on, it's not for everyone! Dying of an old age, sleeping, quietly, is a Titanic thing, bro!

-But the Titanic was a tragedy.

-The movie, I'm talking about the movie, the girl, Winslet, at the end she gets old, remember? And poft.

-Oh, you're right.

-How do you think you're gonna die?

-I don't wanna know.

-I wasn't going to say it. Good bye.

-Hey, wait, could you tell me the lottery numbers that will coming out tomorrow?

-I'm Death, not Merlin.

-Hmmm... Give Elvis a hug for me? Please?

-He didn't die.


-Such a silly. Excuse me.

-Hey, wait, lemme get this straight!

She just left me talking to mysefl and send a bored goodbye with her left hand, going through the wall of Mr. Jack.

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