Meeting a New Friend and a Dragon on the Hunt

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Harry was walking through the streets of Pride after he went shopping with his family. Upon arriving back at the castle, Lucifer had some... very awesome gifts to give him before his birthday. In fact, Lucifer was so excited to give Harry his presents that he could barely wait until his birthday to give them to him... and Harry was very glad that he had. For Lucifer had gifted to him two holy weapons.

Pistols that were ivory white with gold veins, but that wasn't what made them special. Because Lilith had introduced him to the Hellsing manga... mainly because a lot of Harry's powers were based off of Alucard's powers, Harry became obsessed with a particular set of guns — the Jackal and the Casull. So Lucifer had said guns commissioned just for Harry.

The Jackal has a length of 39cm (16 in), a weight of 16kg (35 lbs), and a ivory white construction with gold veins, and uses massive 13mm explosive rounds. The words "Jesus Christ is in Heaven now" are engraved upon it. The slide covers the entire top frame, and there are thus no creases or lines on the top part of the gun, making room for the engraving. Obviously, no human could possibly use this gun without being blown away by it. The breech also faces the left, instead of the right, so it's more of a sister gun to the .454, though its magazines can hold about the same amount of bullets that the Casull is capable of. The bullets are different as well, being a bigger 13mm, with a gold casing, a reinforced core for armor penetration, a mercury explosive, and each bullet being baptized. Compared to the Casull, the Jackal is distinctly lacking in terms of aesthetic features, and is devoid of any contours on the side or frame save for the grip.

The Casull is a semi-automatic magnum pistol that took .454 rounds, but uses 13mm explosive steel rounds which were melted down from sliver holy relics, and weighed 6kg unloaded with a total length of 335mm. And just like the Jackal, the Casull was also ivory white with gold veins.

Also, if anyone other than Harry tried to use these beasts, they'd be blown to kingdom come. As Harry was a Vampire, he had the supernatural strength to wield the Jackal and Casull like Alucard could. He was itching to test these badass guns out, so he went out, actively looking for someone to blow away. Hell was filled to the brim with sinners, so test subjects weren't in any short supply. He particularly wanted to run into the 3 V's as he held them in the utmost contempt... especially that moth bastard, Valentino. Valentino was an abusive fuck who would not take no for an answer.

In fact, he beat and raped anyone who told him no. So it was no surprise that he had ended up on Harry's shitlist when he caught sight of one of his workers, Angel Dust, walking back to his apartment with nasty bruises. Some were visible on his face, but Harry's superior sense could tell that there was more. He made a vow that he would dispose of the abusive moth Overlord. Now, Harry would fulfill that vow, now that he had a more controlled means of killing Demons other than using Demonic Megiddo.

Harry continued to walk along the sidewalk, ignoring the series of sinners stabbing one another with dull knives. He walked with one hand in his pants pocket with his thumb out, and was seen whistling a jaunty little tune before he came across a music store. The thought that he might at least see Vox there was a good possibility. Plus, he wanted to check and see if there were any good electric guitars on sale. He'd always be thankful that his family taught him how to enjoy music... especially Lilith teaching him how to play various instruments.

He walked in and saw a good collection of guitars off to the side. "Welcome! I say welcome to Wally Wackford's Music Emporium! Let me, I say, let me know if there's anything I can get you!" Wally shouted as Harry entered.

"Got any good electric guitars?" Harry asked.

"Oh sure! I say, we have the best damn collection of guitars in all of Pride!" Wally exclaimed.

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