The Journey Begins!

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News of Harry killing the 3 V's had spread like Fiendfyre across the Pride Ring. As soon as Harry got back home, Lilith had smothered him in a bone-crushing hug before fretting over him like a mother hen. Lucifer was ecstatic to learn that Harry, at 11 years old, killed his first 3 Overlords! He had never been prouder of his son than in that moment! Charlie, like Lilith, had fretted over him, despite knowing that Harry could damn well take care of himself.

Of course, he had been congratulated by his friends for taking out Valentino, Vox, and Velvette. Stolas and Stella were among those who praised him to no end for his accomplishment, which filled the young Vampire with pride. Octavia hugged the daylights out of him, having worried about her best friend.

Harry had finally met Loona's overbearing adopted father — an Imp named Blitzø who was an aspiring assassin and former circus performer. He also had the pleasure of meeting Blitzø's employees named Millie and Moxxie. For some reason, Loona was always teasing Moxxie by calling him fatty. Harry was pretty sure there was a story there.

At first, Blitzø was hesitant about meeting this kid that his precious Loony seemed to like... which was weird as Loona didn't like anyone! She didn't even like her own father! Of course, Blitzø was highly suspicious of Harry at first, until Harry introduced him to his Jackal and Casull, which had Moxxie practically orgasm when told of the sheer power of the twin Magnums.

Thankfully, that seemed to make Harry's time with the I.M.P. assassins go smoother, and was practically hired on the spot by Blitzø, much to Loona's joy... and she would vehemently deny until her dying breath that her tail did not wag, and anyone who claimed otherwise was going to get punched in the face... just like Moxxie was when he had teased her about it.

Harry was promised that job as soon as Harry returned from his magical school for the summer. The young Vampire had told his parents about it, and Lucifer thought it was a good idea for him to have a job... especially if it let Dracula out to play. Stolas practically gave his own blessing to work with his favorite Imp. Stella just warned him about being careful.

Of course, all good things had to come to an end, the day that Harry was due to go to Hogwarts was finally upon them. A pentagram portal opened up directly on Platform 9¾, startling many families. Of course, many Muggles who were seeing their Muggle-born children off were understandably wary when 7 figures stepped out.

4 were the family that many had seen at Diagon Alley, but the other 3 were new. One was a tall, male owl Demon with 4 red eyes wearing a top hat with a crown on it. One was a beautiful swan Demon with pink eyes. And lastly, there was a tall owl girl who resembled the male owl very closely, but had the swan's pink eyes and unkempt feathers. "Now remember, Harry. Do your best, and remember; don't take shit from anybody!" Lucifer said as the others crowded around Harry to hug him.

"I will, dad. I promise that I'll be at the top of my class. This year, and every year that comes after." Harry promised.

"That's my boy!" Lucifer laughed.

"See you when you get back, Harry. It's going to be boring with you gone." Octavia said as she wiped tears from her face.

"See ya, Via. I'll keep my promise and ask Professor Dumbledore if you can visit." Harry said with a knowing look. Harry had visited the Goetia manor a lot... and each time he did, he could hear Stolas and Stella having sex. Dear Satan, it was somehow louder than when his own mum and dad had sex.

"Thanks, Harry. Even if I won't get to stay in the castle for the duration, hopefully I can at least come and visit on the weekends." Octavia said with a smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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