To kill a demon

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Chara was the first to wake up, their whole body had a strange tingling feel, like their foot fell asleep though instead of just being one or even worse in both feet it was all over their body, like they had been thrown at a wall. Oh wait they had been thrown at a wall, huh. WAIT Chara jumped up and felt something on their side they looked over and it was Frisk sleeping. Everyone was sleeping peacefully, Chara let out a sigh, and then started to shake them awake realizing that the thing that knocked them out was still probably somewhere nearby.

Frisk was the second to wake up letting out a large yawn, "what?" they asked tiredly.

"Oh you know the norm you not waking up on time, I'm kinda upset, oh and uh you know THE FACT THAT THERE IS A DEADLY MONSTER SOMEWHERE WANTING TO KILL US!" Chara yelled out pointing their arms to where the ink monster once was.

"Don't worry the ink demon killed it, now sleep." Frisk replied lying back down and closing their eyes.

Chara stood there for a second.

"THE INK DEMON WAS HERE!?!" Chara yelled out which woke up the others.

"Yeah but he left" Frisk sat up getting up for the last time.

"He... left?" Chara repeated.

"Yeah he kinda just left not much left to say." Frisk yawned, still very much tired.

All of a sudden the ink demon returned, Audrey gasped and opened up her arms to protect the children and Bendy. But Bendy knew why he was there, Bendy sighed (could he even sigh anymore?) and went up to it.

Audrey screamed out but it was too late, Bendy had already offered itself to the ink demon. He reached out a hand, and the ink demon took it slowly, Bendy combined with the ink as Audrey screamed being held back by some strange force. The ink demon calspeed once there was nothing left of bendy other than a small puddle where he was once standing.

Audrey ran over screaming and crying to where Bendy once was. She didn't know why she was so attached to a simple toon, maybe because she thought of him as a friend or maybe because-

"Audrey," A man said, Audrey could see him from the corner of her eyes and even though not having a good look she knew who he was.


Audrey ran up to the plump older man, all color was sucked out of him other than a light blue which glowed.

"Audrey, you are such a wonderful daughter, I just wish I could of seen you grow into the young lady you are now." He said hugging her.

"But I'm not, my friend Bendy, I don't know how to help him and-"

"You already have, I don't know how much time I have until I fully combine with the ink demon but any time to be with you is wonderful." He said, leaning his head to touch her's.

"Wait you were... Bendy?" Frisk asked, looking at their great grandfather.

He nodded his head and held out an open arm for Frisk to join the hug, Frisk ran straight in and hugged him tight feeling tears form in their eyes.

"There has to be something dad, anything I can't lose you already, I just found you." Audrey cried out tears still in her eyes.

"It will be okay, you are so much stronger than you think you are Audrey, and Frisk you have helped so many people they want to help you in return, so let them." He told the two stroking their hair.

"But Mr. Henry I don't want to-"

"Mr. Henry, since when have you been so classy?" Henry sighed and bent down to match eye level with his great grandchild, "everyone cares so much about you Frisk, and they will help you with whatever you are going through, you won't be a burden to them."

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