Chapter 5

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Lui and shu are ready to go Breakfast,like normally shu will sit with his friend and Lui with his team
Gabe:Lui you look happy today
Said Gabe ,he feel weird because Lui never smile while eating
Lui:n-no it just the food taste good
Shinki:or something good happen last night?
Lui:ye-i mean no!
Katana:don't try to lie we know there's something happen to you right
Lui:ugh fine, me and do it last night
Kyo:do what?
Gabe:a fun game right
Lui: yeah really fun
Kyo:is that mean you win the game?
Lui:yeah I'm the top
Kyo:but what kind of game?
Kyo:tell me
Shinki:enough Kyo,you're asking to many question
Kyo:I just wanna know
Katana:you don't need to know
Gabe:enough you all let's eat and we can leave this place
After done eating
Hello again bladder because it's your last day here we're gonna have a little battle and your enemy gonna be chosen by the spinning wheel.
After they got their enemy
Lui:so shu you're gonna fight me
Lui*whisper*if you lose I gonna Fu*k you this night at my place
Shu:w-what!what if I win
Lui:I do anything you want
After the fight( sorry I'm lazy to make their fighting part ) shu win against Lui so...
Shu:you need to do what I want right
Lui:yeah² why do you want?
Shu:*whisper*to satisfy you~
Lui:well if that's what you want we meet at my house tonight,
Let's skip at Lui house 13+/15+
Shu:Lui! Where are you
Lui:here,I'm here
Lui:looks like someone is ready to be eaten
Lui:but I have something for you before we start
Shu:wait isn't this is a maid outfit!?
Lui:you said you wanna satisfy me right?
Shu:yeah but-
Lui:you better wear it now before I eat you right now
Shu:f fine!
Lui leave the room because shu said so,
After a few minutes Lui heard a voice calling his name. Lui enter the room with a shocked seeing shu was sitting on his bed with his maid outfit on
Lui:I can't wait to eat my meal tonight
Lui start to kiss and leaving love marks on his neck, Lui try to find his sweet spot and abuse that place more
Lui:you're so sweet-
Suddenly a phone call interrupt them , it was Valt calling shu
In the call
Valt: shu where are you
Shu:uhh ,I still at my office doing my work
Valt:oh, I'm sorry if I interrupt your work but I just wanna ask you , do you wanna hang out tomorrow?
Shu:I-im not sure, I will call you later
Valt:ok! Again sorry because interrupt your work
Shu:no, it's okay
End of the call
Shu:can we continue now?
So they make like 5 rounds and fall asleep
At the morning
Shu:Lui wake up
Lui:why so early
Shu: it's already 10:30 am
Lui:shu you should rest more
Shu:please help me , I can't feel my legs
Lui:where are you going anyway
Shu:to get some water,I'm thirsty
Lui:huh fine fine
Lui carry shu in bridal style and help him to get some water
Lui:feeling better?
Shu:yeah ,thank you!
''phone ringing''
Valt:shu , where are you
Shu:at home
Valt:don't try to lie , I ask lean where were you last night and he say didn't even come to raging bulls, I try to find you at home and your neighbor Said that you didn't even at home !
Shu:wait, so you've been searching for me!

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