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"HEY, ADIEN?" Carl said while standing in the doorway of my cell. I slowly lifted my body, feeling the shooting pain in my ribs every time I moved even an inch. 

"What's up?" I asked him, gesturing for him to sit next to me on the bunk. "You think Daryl's coming back?" he said sitting down. "It's happened before and he always- he always comes back." I answered, smiling at him. "It will take a couple days, Merle will pull something and Daryl will come back." I repeated. "Now, go away. Let me sleep." I shoved him and let out a soft chuckle.


I limped outside and sat on a bench next to Beth and Carl. Carol and Axel seemed to be getting along and it was a good day, calm. A ringing filled my ears as gunshots went off, Axel's body dropped to the floor. 

"Carl, Beth, over here." We ran to a wall for cover. 

The governor and his men down there shooting at Michonne. 

Maggie got Carol enough covering to run to us. My heart was beating so loud when the gunshots had stopped, the silence before the storm. 

A truck came hurdling in through the gates and stopped in the middle of the field. A ramp had dropped from the back of the truck and walkers piled out. "Shit." I mumbled watching Hershel and Michonne trapped out there. 

"The gunshots are going to attract more walkers. We gotta get Rick back inside." I told Carl. We watched walkers pile everywhere, Maggie had opened the gate and we got as many as we could. 

Glenn grabbed Michonne and Hershel and drove into the gated yard where we stood. 

"You okay?" Maggie asked Hershel as they got out of the truck. I looked over the field and saw Daryl and Merle fighting walkers with Rick, "thank god."


Everyone argued about what to do with woodbury, Merle giving his disgusting input on the governor's ways. 

Daryl walked into my cell, "I didn't wanna leave you." He mumbled under his breath. "but, you did." I muttered while sitting up on the edge of the bunk. "I know. I promise, I'm not Merle or dad. Im staying." He said, leaning against the door way. "okay." I mumbled back. 

"Someone's at the gates." Beth ran in, "come on." She said and as we ran outside. 

I stood next to Carl at one of the watch posts, both looking through our scopes for a good angle. 

"Andrea?" I asked Carl. "open the gate!" I heard her yell. "Are you alone?" Rick questioned. "Fine." He said as Daryl opened the gate for andrea. He pulled her inside and patted her down vigorously. I stared at her on the ground with her hands raised, what the hell were we doing?


We walked her into the cell block and I sat on one of the metal tables, all of us circled around her. "Where's shane?" She questioned and we all stayed silent. "And lori?" she turned to Rick who dropped his chin to his chest. 

"She had a girl. Lori didn't survive." Hershel answered. "Neither did T-Dog." Maggie added. "I'm so sorry." Andrea whispered to us all. "Carl." she looked down at him with pity. 

"You all live here?" she asked, changing the topic of conversation. "Here and the cell block." I answered. "There?" she pointed, I nodded my head. 

"Well can I go in?" she asked and Rick shut it down. "I'm not an enemy, Rick.", "We had that field and courtyard. Until your boyfriend tore down that fence with a truck and shot us up." Rick sternly said. 

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