Chapter 6

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Ana's POV

I feel sadness and the familiar feeling of loneliness wash over me. It all feels like a dream and now it's time to wake up. I pick up my bags and leave the hotel in my old car. I decide to put my normal playlist, which is full of Harry's songs but also Niall's, Olivia Rodrigo and some portuguese artists. I feel sentimental so I let sad songs play. I feel tears in my eyes as I'm driving, what I didn't expect was to receive a video call. I look confuse at my phone but when I see "H🌻", I smile and instantly pick up. I'm driving but my phone is secure on the support I bought for the trip and turn it to me so that he's able to see me.

"Hey, I'm already on the plane!" I hear him saying and smile as he turns the camera around showing me everything and everyone. I noticed all the band members with him, feeling kinda shy but smile at them and wave.

"I'm still driving H, still two hours left for me to get home" I say kinda shy and I guess he understands why, because as he sits down and turns the camera only to him.

"Don't fall asleep while driving! Be careful please" I smile when I hear him and nod "I have to go but please send me a message when you get home. Drive safe, Ana"

"I will Harry, don't worry. Try to rest a bit, I know you are tired." He smiles and waves. I do the same and he ends up the call.

Guess it wasn't a dream after all. I find myself smile while I drive throught the dark highway, only finding some cars on the way home. Sign of the times comes up and I sing it with my full heart.

Harry's POV

I end up the call and pull a blanket on top of me, but as soon as I'm opening her tiktok to see more covers and funny videos, Mitch sits by my side and Sarah pops up from behind my seat, so I quickly block the phone and close my eyes.

"So, who is she?" Sarah asks and even though I'm not looking to her, I can feel her smirk while looking at me and Mitch.

"Why does it matter to you both?" I say trying to hide my smile, closing my eyes once again.

"Well, never saw you requesting a fan to go backstage to be honest." Mitch says, hitting me with with his elbow, making me laugh while shaking my head.

"Just a new friend, that's all. Now, can I sleep?" I say pulling the blanket to my neck once again trying to get comfortable.

"We'll pretend that we actually believe you. I saw your stupid smile when you got back to the hotel yesterday" I hear Sarah say but I stay in silent. They end up leaving me alone while talking to each other about it.

Even though my eyes are close, I cannot fall asleep. I don't believe we are going to be more than friends, she has broken heart and mine isn't fixed just yet. It would be a bomb ready to explode at anytime. I'm fine with her friendship, we still barely know each other, even though she already shared something so deep with me... But I did not open up and I fear she distances herself from me when I do. I sigh and try to stop my thoughts by falling asleep.

Hours after we finally arrive to the final show of the tour. Two years and half finally coming to an end. I turn my phone on back again seeing her message poping up immediately "Hey H, just got back home. Thank you for everything, it still doesn't feel real and I fear I might wake up at anytime. Until then, I want to say: Thank you. Thank you not only for taking your time to meet up with me, but thank you for the tour, the concerts, the musics. In name of all your fans, Thank you for creating such a safe and loving place for all of us. You don't know how much you mean to each one of us and how you saved a lot of us, myself included. You have such a pure soul and everyone can see it. Thank you Harry, I hope I never wake up from this dream". I feel my eyes sting as I'm getting emotional. I put my sunglasses and think what I should answer. She opened up to me again and also took the oportunity to thank me for all the others. I decide what I want to answer and take the chance to open up too "No, I own you all the world. It was all of you that actually saved me and made me feel ok with myself, with who I am and made me finally accept myself. Thank you and thank you Ana, for making me feel so normal, so ordinary... I kinda miss that."

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