Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

"Go away, Harry" She begged me, with such a broken voice. Not only she was crying, I could tell she was getting sick. What have I done?

"Just please, listen to me. I know everything is fucked up right now, but please... Just give me a chance to explain myself." I almost beg, feeling my own voice breaking as I was holding the tears.

She remained silent. I sat on the other side of the bed, letting her be. I wanted to touch her, to hug her, so so bad, but I knew she would not let me. She still had her back to me, but at least she wasn't telling me to go away, she was silently agreeing to let me speak.

"First of all, I'm sorry, I'm sorry about everything yesterday. I should have come home sooner, I should not have drink so much, specially knowing I was going home to you" I quickly apologize for the small things, because I was trying to recollect myself to talk about my worst mistake. "And I'm sorry about the kiss. It meant nothing to me and I did not wanted it." I heard Ana sniff. She was crying. Fuck. Ok, breath Harry. I took some moments looking at the ceiling, trying to recollect myself. "I went to the bar with them as you know. It was the bar I use to go almost every weekend when I was in London, it's from one of my good old friends from my hometown. I had a few drinks with them... Well, more that a few. I was already drunk, when..." I felt a lump forming in my throat, but still tried to explain myself. Guilt already consuming me. "When Camille arrived with her friends... Our old friends. I haven't see them for ages so they ended up coming to me, hugging me, congratulating me for the tour and everything. I was already drunk by then so I agreed in them joining our table. It was already getting late so my friends, such as Mitch, Sarah, Pauly and everyone else decided to leave. I should have left with them, but I was so drunk, I just wanted to have fun and the people I was with used to be my friends. They tried to convince me to stay a little more and at my drunk state, I just agreed. They brought more shots, I don't even know how much I drank after they left. I was completely lost, I couldn't even walk on my own. So when the time to go home arrived, I needed helped to get home. I had my car at the bar and Camille had come in a uber so she told me she would drive me home as she hadn't drink almost any alcohol. I agreed once again... She took me home and as I couldn't even get out of the car without almost falling, she came around, hooking her arm around her waist and putting mine over her shoulders so she could carry me. When we got in, she bumped into the same table at the entrance, breaking the smal cristal bowl where I usually put my keys in. I believe you heard that and came to us. That's when she kissed me. We didn't even talk most of the night to each other and she kissed me. She knew damn well what she was doing, she knew I was to drunk to even think straight or even form a proper sentence and she took advantage of it to put up that small show right in front of you. " I tell her the truth about everything, tears now running down my face.

I could tell she was crying by the way her body was shaking. I try to teach her above the covers, but I feel her body tense up under my touch. No, no, no... I can't lose her. I feel like I'm already going insane. I quickly walk to the other side of the bed, going down on my knees in front of her. She quickly closed her eyes, not wanting to look at me. She looked so tired, so broken, so out of her usual light. She had dark bags under her eyes, tears across her cheeks. I felt my heart shattering, seeing her like this.

"I promise you this is all true. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have drink that much, I would be able to stop her and to know what I was doing... I'm so sorry, sunshine. I really am" I was crying by now, trying to reach for her, trying to even make her look at me. She broke down in sobs, covering her face. I could feel a pain in my chest. I hated that I made her feel this way. "Please, believe me. I know you don't trust me right now, but I'm telling you the truth, I promise."

"Oh you promise?" I could feel how hurt she was in her tone. She sat up, trying to clean her face with her hands. "Just like you promise you wouldn't hurt me?" Those words felt like daggers going straight to my chest. "I trusted you, Styles. With all my heart. For you to go and do that? After everything I told you I've been through, after everything that happened to me and you know, you let that happen? Are you actually telling me the truth or am I a game to you?!" She finally looks me in the eye, her golden eyes more vibrant due to the red on them. She was so broken and the worst part of it it was my fault.

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