We came here to relax

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Ash was buzzing with excitement as land came into view.
"Land oh!" He called. Misty rolled her eyes.
"It's land ho, pea brain." She sneered. Brock smiled at two and looked up at the sky.
"Hey, look at the wingull! They're really flying fast!" Ash watched a gull glide swiftly past him,
"Wow!" He reached into his pocket for his pokédex but Misty stopped him.
"We're here to relax!" She inhaled a deep breath "besides, you promised you wouldn't do anything like this! That includes training, using your pokédex to receive information about a Pokemon and no battling unless its absolutely necessary." She rambled on and on about relaxation and didn't even notice Ash staring at her. The sun reflected light onto her perfectly and even though a frown was upon her face, it was still an absolutely breathtaking sight... For Ash anyway.

(In their hotel)
"Uhhhh!" Ash groaned clutching his stomach "I think I'm gonna die!" He wailed. Misty rolled her eyes.
"You're gonna die from hunger? Think of what I have to deal with monthly, plus you." Misty mumbled to herself.
"Huh?" Ash stopped thinking about his stomach for a moment and looked over at the girl.
"Nothing!" She replied quickly. Ash shrugged and was reminded of his empty stomach as it growled again. Suddenly Brock burst through the door, scaring Ash making him jump and then fall on his head. He stood up slowly and rubbed his head when he slowly came to realise what this meant: Scared by Brock = Brock home, Brock home = food! His stomach growled again as he stumbled towards the older boy.
"Food!" He yelled excitedly when Brock pulled out a large box of noodles and rice from behind him.
"Settle down now! You might make me spill it!" Brock chuckled and set the food on the table.

"Yup! I'm full." Ash said contently patting his stomach. Brock shook his head and laughed.
"I was full an hour ago!" Misty sighed.
"Boys," She mumbled.
"Anyway!" Brock said after a while "I ran into Melody at the store!" Both teenagers turned to him and stared "... She had a favour to ask..." Brock trailed off, unsure whether to go on. Ugh, not her Misty thought bitterly. Brock noticed Misty's expression as did Ash.
"What's up Mist?" The young teen asked.
"Huh?" Misty looked up from the floor "nothing," her irritated frown fell back upon her face leaving the two boys puzzled.
"Girls," they said in unison.
"Anyway," Brock loudly announced "Melody asked if you two could star in her play." They both stared at him in shock.
"W-what one?" Ash almost didn't want to know.
"Sleeping beauty..."

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