This isn't relaxing...

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Misty stood, looking into the mirror. She was wearing a pink frilly dress and plastic fake high heels. Trust Melody to pick a comfortable outfit. They had already practiced pretty much the whole play except for one scene. The one scene she had been dreading since day one. The scene where she was woken up. The scene where she kissed him. She kissed Ash. She took a deep breath and slowly made her way to the stage.
"Alright! Wake up scene practise one! Action!" Misty quickly ran to the bed in the centre of the stage and tried to lay as still as possible. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Her breathing was quick and shallow. Ash made his way across the stage and said his lines. He ran up beside Misty and looked at the 'sleeping' figure.

Misty's pov
"Misty," he whispered.
"What?" I quickly whispered back.
"Listen I know we're gonna kiss and all but, please don't tease me about it!"
"Why would I?" I hissed I was about to say more but I was hushed by a warm sensation on my lips. Ash actually kissed me? He did it he didn't chicken out or- Tracey?! I opened my eyes to find the green haired artist beaming in my face.
"Gyaaaaaaagh!" I screeched. I frantically glanced around the stage.
"Ash went to go puke, Tracey's the only other guy that knows the lines."
"I know the lines..." Brock mumbled.
"The only other suitable guy that knows the lines." Melody rephrased "alright everyone take five!" She called.

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