♡ 10 Years Apart

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Title: 10 Years Apart
Setting: Class Reunion

"10 Years... Crazy huh?"

Tristan, Tea, Yugi and Joey sat at one table like they always did
10 years ago when they were still in school.
Only this time the table was in some fancy restaurant slash bar.
With house music playing quite loudly.

Now they were working adults and didn't get to see each other that often anymore.
Yugi was the only one who stayed in Domino after graduation.
He took over his grandfather's business and still pursued his career as professional Duel Monsters Player.
Although it didn't longer pay that much, he was still able to at least make a decent living.

All the others changed locations.
Tea conferred a doctorate at the field she studied before.
Tristan was happily married, had 2 cute little daughters and worked a nine to five after the motorcycle- shop he had opened with Joey had to close due to insolvency and Joey...
Well Joey...

He was broke, divorced (almost twice If his second fiancé would have followed through with the marriage before breaking up) and worked 3 jobs simultaneously to pay his rent.
He was so embarrassed he could cry but ended up trying to smile and make jokes as much as he could regardless to not drag the vibe.

"Should somebody go and talk to him?",
Yugi suddenly asked pointing at the table across the room.
Kaiba sat there all by himself like the loner that he always was and always had been.
He was typing something on his tablet to avoid eye contact with anybody.

"Hmm... Maybe we should.
But let's go one after another so we don't annoy him too badly...",
Tea suggested.

"Fine! I'll start, so I've got it over with."
Tristan stood up, but Tea held him at his sleeve:
"Don't you think Yugi should go first?
He always liked him best..."
"Right.", Tristan agreed sitting down again.

Yugi smiled warmly as a response:
"I'll be back soon."

"What do ya'll think they're talking about?",
Joey couldn't help but wonder.
Tristan: "Good old times perhaps.
Who knows? Who cares?"

Joey obviously cared a whole lot.
He caught himself glancing over so often, that it turned out to be wiser for him to switch places.
He switched to where Yugi sat before.
Kaiba in clear view.

They were taking way too long for Joeys liking.
After 15 Minutes he ordered another beer, after another 15 Minutes the next...
The frequency of him ordering stayed consistent.

Tristan started to notice:
"Aren't you drinking a little bit much?"
"Nah. Just the regular Saturday night amount. Cheers!"
"Are you... watching Yugi?"
"Ehm... Yeah sure. What does take him so long?"

"They seem to have a good time, so don't worry."
"I see neither of them laughing."
"Kaiba was never the funny type."
"Yeah, right.", he sighed, "Gosh... I miss him."
"We all do. It's always nice to see that he is just as bubbly as always."

Joey knew Tristan thought it was Yugi he was talking about.
He sighed.

Yugi came back.
Now it was Tristans turn.
He briefly patted Joeys shoulder and got up:
"Now you have him back, bro.
Try to light up a little."
"Sure. Thanks."

Joey stirred his cocktail with his straw, looking painfully bored.

"Tristan just said you missed me, while I was gone.
Sorry, I was asking Kaiba about his newest ventures.
It's pretty interesting what he's been up to actually.
Sorry if I took too long."
"No problem. Really."

Yugi noticed how moody Joey was even before Tristan was back.
It took him about eight minutes till he returned.
Joey was counting the seconds.

He described their interaction after noticing their questioning stares:
"He wasn't in the mood to talk.
It went like:
How are you? Good.
How's Mokuba? Fine.
Till I ran out of questions.",

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