♡ Sticky Situation [NSFW]

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Ooookay people, no I couldn't do it.
I couldn't leave you hanging without any 'real' smut.
This is Wattpad after all.
And I pride myself in writing the most exquisite, slightly cringe yaoi- porn you can find.

To apologize for all the 'tame' stories in this collection I wrote something that's at least four times as bad for my fellow perverts 😏
And when I warn you: I mean it!

Enjoy ;)

Caution: [18+ (or better 21+)]
Heavy yaoi/smut/lemon ahead

Title: Sticky Situation
Setting: Fair

Joey: "Ha! I can't believe this..."
Tristan: "Believe what?"
"He's here."
"Who's here?"

"And? Why should we care?"

"So you thought it was realistic for him to go outside to have fun like a normal person?"
"I never thought about it, but since he is just human sure he does.
He's probably here with his brother..."

Tea: "Where did you even see him?"
"Look, there! Where these huuuge Gorilla- Guys are. That's his security. That means he has to be there, too..."

"Impressive that you noticed that.
They're dressed in pitch black.
I wouldn't even have seen them if I was standing right before them...",
Yugi wondered scratching his head.

Tristan: "Hey! Where are you going?"
"Say Hi." "Why?!"
"Because I can't imagine him wearing a yukata."

Tea: "Are you really that curious about it?"
"Sure. Kaiba off duty is like seeing a unicorn on a motorcycle."

Tristan sighed:
"You're always searching for trouble..."

Tea: "Aren't you afraid he's going to be mean to you again?"
"Naaah and even when:
I know how to clap back."
Tristan: "But don't come crying to us afterwards..."

When Joey saw out of the corner of his eye that the 'gorillas' were moving further, he excused himself and jogged towards them.

Yugi: "Aren't we going to join him?"
Tristan: "I don't wanna be close when Kaiba snaps.
That's Joeys own responsibility now..."

Yugi: "Tea?"
"Joey chose to ruin his evening all by himself, so..."
Yugi sighed. They weren't wrong.

"Oh, Moneybaaaags.", he lured over the heads of his 'gorillas'.
Seto took a short look and told them to let him through with an almost invisible gesture.

"What earned me the displeasure of your presence, Wheeler?"

"Wow. You're actually here. I had to see it with my two very own eyes to believe it..."

Kaiba just looked at him confused so Joey explained himself further:
"I've never seen you outside of school or competitions.
It's somewhat crazy to see you having fun for once..."

"Why are you assuming I was having fun?"
"What else to do at the fair, Mr. Grumpy?"

"Watching my brother."
Joey looked around:
"Coooool, Mokuba's here, too?
I haven't seen him..."

"He's with his friends."
"So you're just standing around alone, or..."
"Or what?"

"You're really planning to just waste your time without doing anything fun at all?"
"Like what?"

"Hmm let's see:
Like taste all the food, play games, watch street artists, getting black out drunk or hook up with girls...?"
"So that's why you're jumping around half- naked?"

"Half wha-? Oh, you mean, because I'm wearing my yukata open like that?"
"Why even wearing one at all if you plan to leave nothing to the imagination?
Wouldn't you be better off in a skirt?"

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