Beginning of a new era

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March 15th, 2023

"Yo rose hurry up we are gonna be late!!" Rose's brother Nick said. Little backstory, the triplets and Rose were invited to the Scream 6 premiere. "Yeah come on, we know you cant wait to see your husband, Jack! I have a huge feeling that he's ghostface." Matt said. "Ok ok im coming chill! Im tryna look good incase i meet Jack tonight!" Jack has been rose's celebrity crush ever since the announcement that he was in Avatar: TWOW. And surprise, surprise. She loved it. She was also a huge fan of the Scream franchise and was beyond excited to find out that Jack was going to be playing in Scream 6.

Rose had finally finished getting ready. Rose was wearing a beautiful, simple white dress. (This is the dress)

 (This is the dress)

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(Pretend thats Rose)

Rose was beyond excited not just to see the new movie, but potentially seeing Jack. She knew there was a chance, but her brothers reminded her that many other people are going to be there and he might not see her. "Okay im ready!" Rose yelled as she ran out of her room to her brothers. "Finally, now can we go?" Chris said. "Yeah lets go." Nick said and held the door for everyone as they all walked out.

(Time skip to when they are pulling up in their car to the premiere)

"Rose, it's going to be okay. Don't stress." Her brother Matt said to her as he rubbed her knee in comfort while he was driving. "I know, i know. Im just worried that if i do actually see him, ill mess it all up and embarrass myself." She said, looking out the window. "Imagine you trip and fall in front of him and make a complete fool of yourself." Chris said, then hysterically laughing. "Oh shut up, Chris. Just because you can't see Liv for a while doesn't mean you get to be a complete asshole." Nick said while punching Chris's shoulder. Liv, or formally known as Olivia, was Chris's girlfriend but also Rose's best friend. She was currently vacationing with her family in Bora Bora while the siblings were all the way in Los Angeles.

"Oh don't remind me of her. Im gonna cry." Chris said dramatically. As soon as he finished saying that, paparazzi started flooding their car with flashing cameras and yells. "Guess we are here." Rose said. "Im gonna try to find a place to park, yall get out here. I'll meet you guys inside." Matt said, unlocking the doors. "Bye matt!" They all said as they opened their doors and walked out. As soon as they walked out, questions and flashing lights from all sides started flooding Rose's eyesight, almost making her fall. But luckily, didn't as Nick grabbed her hand and pulled her next to him. "Hey you okay?" He said as her rubbed her back gently. Her brothers all knew how Rose hated flashing lights and loud noises, and it can occasionally, make her pass out. "Yeah im okay. Thank you Nick." Rose said as they walked into the building. "This is fucking huge." Chris said looking at the ceiling which had a huge ghostface painted on it. "Lets go look for a table."

As they made their way to an empty table, they were looking at everyone who else was there. "I can't see any of the Scream cast yet. Where are they?" Rose said to Nick. "I think they are in the theatre already. But we gotta wait for Matt then we can go in. Rose nodded, understanding. "Hey imma call Matt and let him know where we are." Chris said pulling out his phone and getting up, looking for Matt.

Matt eventually sat down with them. "Bro parking was absolute shit. We gonna have to walk a bit to get to the car. Sorry yall." Matt said to his siblings. Rose barely paid attention as she was looking around for a certain someone. "Hey have u guys seen Jack yet? I really wanna see him." The brothers all shook their head. "Hey i'll go with you to go look. U wanna go?" Nick said. Rose nodded and smiled getting up from the table with Nick and started walking around looking at each individual. Until suddenly, while I'm looking down at my phone and still walking next to Nick, he yelled my name. "Rose!" I look up and accidentally bump into someone whose very tall. "Shit sorry." I say without looking up. "No its alright, im sorry. Are you okay?" I look up to Nick and his eyes are wide open. I give a confused look but then look up to see who the person is.

Jack mother fucking Champion.

Authors note!!

Omggg my first wattpad story!! I hope u like the first storyyyy

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