Before u read!!!

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This is a Wii deleted you AU with my oc and this includes oc x canon (x canon) and other fluff typa shit and describing gore?? I will put TW's for a story soo yeah, this also includes cursing/swearing idfk, this fanfic is so cringey (but this is basically lore about my oc)

also ima show u stuff n the meanings of my fanfic when u read first chapter (and other more!!)

Italic - To do an action and/or say a word with tone (ex: "wait.. what?")

[Brackets - Inner thought of someone]

"Quote - Someone talking"

Bold - Expressing strong feelings such as anger

POVs can be changed as you're reading!

uhm i thinks that's all soo.. go read my fanfic :3 !!!

Wii Restored Memories - Wii Deleted You AU Where stories live. Discover now