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A/N: this is a chapter but also not a chapter. Just a little bit of the Kings backstory. This takes place 3 months before their arrival in forks. You may now continue.

ASPEN KING had always been aware that your life could change within a blink of an eye.

She knew it when her parents decided to move their family to San Francisco from their home in Forks Washington when she was barely ten years old.

She knew it when she bumped into Mickey Olphant on her first day of freshman year, finding the leather jacket he wore and the mischievous twinkle in his eyes charming.

She knew it as she watched with teary eyes as the plastic wand in her hand slowly started to develop the words positive three months after her fifteenth birthday.

She knew it the day she locked eyes with a pair that perfectly matched her own, holding Milo Chase King for the first time as her world slowly fell into place on her sixteenth birthday.

She knew it the day Mickey left for the first time, leaving nothing but dark handprints on her skin and a son to raise on her own before returning a week later to beg for her forgiveness, then repeating the cycle.

And she knew it now as she sat on the cold wet pavement of the San Francisco streets, the water seeping through her now drenched denim jeans and making the clothing cling to her skin in a uncomfortable way as the storm grew angrier.

Though she didn't pay the uncomfortable feeling any mind, not registering the feeling of her now drenched clothing, nor her hair that was perfectly styled not even an hour ago cling to her face as it became soaked as well.

She didn't pay attention to the police sirens as they blared throughout the usually busy streets, nor the chatter of the nosy civilians who were desperately trying to figure out what had occurred.

She didn't feel the blood that dripped down her face from the gash that now resided on her forehead, nor the pain that it brought as it could never match with the hollow feeling that grew in her chest with each passing second.

The noises around her were muffled, she could barely hear as the emts tried to gently coax her into the awaiting ambulance.

Her mothers heartbreaking scream fell on deaf ears, along with her fathers repeated broken pleas of "no" as they shoved past the policeman that was trying to keep them away along with the curious onlookers, their eyes falling on the same sight their daughters was locked onto.

It was in this exact moment Aspen knew her life, once again, was going to change.

But not in the same way it did when she had made the fourteen hour move when she was ten.

Or the way everything fell into place the moment her son took his first breath and stared up at her with his beautiful ocean blue eyes that perfectly mirrored her own.

Because as her eyes stayed glued to the small hand that dangled from the stretcher fifteen feet away where a small body laid covered by a once white sheet, that was now stained with spots of crimson, she knew her world was falling apart.

Her favorite sound of giggles now replaced with a haunting scream followed by an loud crash.

The warm hand she held to help guide him as he took his first steps now cold as ice.

His heart no longer beating, and she felt as if hers would give out any minute as the numb feeling of grief devoured her whole.

Her whole life was about to change, and she knew it as she watched as her son was put into the back of an ambulance, the slam of the doors triggering a horrific, heart wrenching scream of pure anguish to escape her lips and her world to come crumbling down around her.

Soooo as you can tell we started off on a heartbreaking note. If you didn't know who Milo was before, you do now. Opinions?

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