|2| Leaving San Francisco.

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THE KINGS remained silent as their car pulled out of the driveway of their two story home in San Francisco for the last time. The house that had once been filled with the sounds of soft giggles and blocks falling now hosted nothing but heartbreak as everywhere they looked they were reminded of the tragedy that had struck and ripped away the source of their favorite sounds.

It was Aspens parents, Ben and Kimberly, that had decided that the move needed to be made. But it was because of Bens childhood best friend, Charlie Swan, that they were moving back to the small town of Forks Washington.

When the family had decided to leave Forks when Aspen was only ten, she had been heartbroken. She loved everything about the small town she spent most of her childhood in. The rain, the greenery, even the elk that she could sometimes see outside of her bedroom window all played a key part in why she didn't want to leave.

San Francisco was a big change, but her father had been offered a better job with way better pay at a police department in the city and he just couldn't pass it up.

So they had packed up and left Forks, not knowing that they would be going back permanently seven and a half years later because the city that once filled them with joy now only reminded them of their biggest heartbreak.

Charlie, who pitied the grieving family, didn't hesitate to offer Ben his job at the station back after it was mentioned to him that they were looking for a fresh start.

Ben talked to his wife, who was also itching to leave the house that now remained silent and cold, and she instantly agreed to move back to the small town where they were both from.

They had expected their daughter to put up a fight, to want to stay in the city where her heart had been crushed into a million pieces. Because while the city and their home no longer brought smiles to their faces, it was all she had left of Milo.

If they left, his playroom that had remained untouched for months would be nothing but a distant memory. The wooden swing set Ben had built that had once sent their favorite boy into fits of giggles would start to decay. The neighbors dog, who Milo adored, would forget them.

But to their surprise, Aspen had immediately agreed.

It's not like the family was trying to forget the boy, because they knew they never could, and they never wanted to. But they also knew it was time to move on, that they couldn't spend the rest of their lives sitting on the couch holding each-other as they stared down at a fallen down block tower that no one dared to touch.

So as they exited their street for the last time, all three kings let out long breaths.

Apsen knew leaving wouldn't change anything. It wouldn't fill the giant hole that she felt in her chest every time she took a breath, or the crack in her heart.

But she knew her current lifestyle of waking up at odd hours of the night screaming bloody murder wasn't healthy. Nor were the purple bags that had been living underneath her eyes for the last three months. Or her nightly routine of reading Dr. Seuss books aloud to an empty crib.

But leaving the place that now brought her nothing but tears was the first step towards recovery.

And while the grief was still strongly weighing on the family of three, they all knew starting over was in their best interest.

And so as they passed the big sign that read Now leaving San Francisco CA they all exchanged glances, trying to convince each-other that the small smiles that rested on their tired faces were real as they left behind their old lives once more to start new ones.

Chapters are usually gonna be longer than this, remember this is just the beginning.

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