Chapter 6: Nyuugaku-hen VI

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Thought

[WORD!] = Henshin Device and Attack naming

[WORD!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

'Welcome' = Sign

"WORD!" = Henshin and Weapon Summoning

All throughout the school terrorists are shooting and throwing grenades at the school building

"What's going on?" Honoka asked, "What just happened?" she asked then Shizuku spotted three armed men

"Honoka!" Shizuku said as she grabbed Honoka to pull her away but Honoka couldn't move her leg

"Don't let them get away!" Terrorist 1 said

"M-My legs!" Honoka said then she collapses

One of the Terrorist was about to stab Honoka but then was shot back by Eimi using a shotgun CAD then Eimi shot the bullet close to the other terrorists scaring them away

"Honoka, Shizuku! Are you all right?" Eimi asked

"Eimi..." Honoka said then Eimi shot three other terrorists behind them

"Look at this CAD I borrowed from the Hunting Club!" Eimi said, "Who are these guys anyway?" she asked

"W-We don't know." Honoka said then a grenade was thrown close to the girls it exploded but Shizuku put up a barrier, when the smoke cleared and the shield lowered the terrorists left, then Honoka looked down disappointed in herself

"It's okay. I was scared, too." Shizuku said

"Huh?" Honoka said

"My body just moved on its own because you were in danger." Shizuku said

"Hey, I was scared, too." Eimi said, "I mean, they were armed, and even if this can't kill anyone, I've never shot at anyone before." she said

"Eimi... Shizuku..." Honoka said she wiped her tear then smiled, "Thanks!" she said, 'I don't have time to feel down.' she thought, 'Next time, I have to...' she thought

Meanwhile, in the Assembly Hall, the Disciplinary Committee members are restraining the Coalition member and evacuating the students

"Arrest all of the Coalition members!" Mari ordered, "They're obviously working with an external force!" she said

"The explosion was set off in the Practical Skill Wing!" Tatsuya said, "Let's hurry over." he said

"Right!" Miyuki said

"Okay." Izuku said then the Shibas head toward the Practical Skill Wing, on their way, they spotted Honoka, Shizuku, and Eimi holding down two terrorists

"Izuku! Tatsuya! Miyuki!" Honoka said

"You three! What's this?" Miyuki asked

"That's what we want to know." Eimi said, "Who the heck are these people?" she said as she showed some knock-out terrorists, Miyuki noticed Honoka and Shizuku's dirty uniform, getting angry but then Izuku placed his hand on Miyuki's shoulder

"Miyuki, calm down." Izuku said

"But..." Miyuki said

"It's dangerous here for the three of you." Bell said, "You should follow the Student Council's guidance and evacuate right away." he said

"You didn't answer our question." Shizuku said, "Who are these people? What exactly is happening here?" she asked

"I'm pretty sure they're with the international anti-magic political organization, Blanche." Tatsuya said, "The coalition members are working with them, too." he said, "As was the guy who assaulted Aniki." he said shocking the girls

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