II - Flare

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The next day, Suzy found herself standing outside the gymnasium doors to attend the Yonsei vs. Sungkyunkwan match. She felt a fluttering in her stomach as anticipation mixed with wistful intrigue. It was strange how one encounter with Nam Joohyuk had managed to ignite something within her that she hadn't expected.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the doors and stepped into the bustling gymnasium filled with enthusiastic fans dressed head-to-toe in Yonsei colors. The energy was contagious, and even though Suzy wasn't quite sure what to expect from this basketball experience, she couldn't deny that there was an undeniable allure surrounding it all.

Suzy took an empty seat at the bleachers, her eyes eagerly scanning the court area. The anticipation was palpable as the game was about to begin. She couldn't help but wonder if Joohyuk would notice her presence in the crowd.

And then she spotted him, standing amongst his teammates like a lost child in the player's queue. His gaze swept across the audience, searching for someone. Suzy's heart skipped a beat as she entertained the possibility that maybe, just maybe, he was looking for her.

Their eyes met for a brief moment, and Suzy felt an electric jolt shoot through her body. Joohyuk gave her a little wave and a wink before turning his attention back to the game preparations. "Oh please, this guy," Suzy whispered under her breath, unable to suppress a smile as she watched him act cute for her.

As the referee blew the whistle and the game commenced with cheers from both Yonsei and Sungkyunkwan supporters filling the air, Suzy found herself completely engrossed in watching Joohyuk's every move on the court. It wasn't just his athletic prowess that captivated her; it was also his charisma and undeniable charm.

She marveled at how effortlessly he moved across the court, weaving through defenders with finesse and sinking baskets with precision. The way he commanded attention not only from his teammates but also from everyone in attendance made it clear why he had referred to himself as magical during their earlier encounter.

As the game progressed, Suzy found herself getting more and more engrossed in Joohyuk's every move on the court. She couldn't deny the thrill she felt whenever he scored a basket or made an impressive play. But deep down, there was a nagging thought that whispered in her mind, "I'm not starting to get interested in him for real, am I?"

She quickly erased those thoughts from her mind and refocused on the game. After all, it wasn't just about Joohyuk; it was about supporting Yonsei and enjoying the electrifying atmosphere of basketball.

Just as she was trying to distract herself with the fast-paced action happening before her eyes, something unexpected happened. 

Joohyuk successfully made a three-point shot from beyond the arc, his body twisting gracefully in mid-air as he released the ball. The crowd erupted into cheers, but what surprised Suzy even more was what happened next.

Instead of celebrating with his teammates or acknowledging the roaring crowd around him, Joohyuk ran backwards, but facing the direction towards where Suzy was seated. His eyes locked onto hers as he pointed at her with a playful grin on his face and winked. 

It felt as though time stood still for that split second.

Suzy couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement mixed with bewilderment at his boldness. There were so many people watching his every move on that court - fans cheering for both teams - yet here he was confidently flirting with her.

She raised an eyebrow playfully and pursed her lips as if to say "Really?" while inwardly feeling flattered by his attention. It took all of her willpower not to burst into laughter or blush uncontrollably under everyone's gaze.

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