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August POV

(An:They r not celebrities in this book.)

"Aye what about them rite there".Chris said.

I was with my niggas Chris,Tyga,Shootah,Trey,and my side hoe Trina.We were planning on abducting college stundents,and brainwash them.

Me:Yo Tyga u got tha medicine".I asked Tyga.

Tyga:Yeah Bro.

Me:Okay so I got tha Lil thick one with tha pink wig or wateva.(Dimepiece).We were all talking about who got who.
"Okay Trina get out and do yo role".Chris said.Trina rolled her eyes n smacked her lips.She got out the car and went to the middle of the road.
"Shootah you got yo phone ready?".I asked Shootah.

$hootah:yes bro.

All of sudden the nine women were walking.I practice my role in my head.Then I shouted."HELP PLEASE".I started crying.
They ran over to where we were.Dumb BITCHES.

Girl1:Omg I'm going to call 911.

Me:Wait no call my uncle he's a police officer he live not to far from here.I gave her Shootah Buiness Phone Number.She hung up tha phone after talking.
"He's coming".She said.I slowly pulled out my gun n pointed it at the girls. I shook Trina.
She got up.
"Go get the stuff out the car". They all looked terrified. Tyga nem came n they gave the girls some liquid mecidine they all drunk it.Its basically to make them forget everything.They all got into the van. In a Lil bit they'll be out like a baby they won't remember anything except being in college.Smh.O this is going to be good*rubs hands like birdman*.

(Okay y'all so yeah lol but ummm if u notice I picked the characters in this story from love & hip-hop.

-Hop u like.Please vote & comment chapters will be long that was just the prologue.
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