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It has been a month since I learned of Mal and her little gang of sidekicks' invitation to Aurodon. My anger hasn't depleted. It seems to be endless. Every time I think I am over it something reminds me of Mal and her stupid smirk that I so badly wanted to rip off of her face. Considering our history, I am not surprised.

The news has now spread throughout the entire Isle. Mal will be leaving for Aurodon in a week. Maleficent has been pretty secretive about her reasons behind sending her daughter there. Everyone knows that Maleficent never cared about her daughter and I highly doubt that she is going to start now. I want, no, need to find out. 

"If ye' glare any harder the cup might break." The owner of the voice swings onboard with practiced ease. I snap out of my thoughts only to find a wooden cup staring back at me. 

"Harry." I nod to him. 

"Since when did we resort to such formalities, love." His thick voice returns. His fake hook pierces the rotting wood of the cup. "There," He said throwing the cup of his hook. It lands in the water with a splash. "I finished yer job." Blue irises meet my brown ones. 

"That was an unnecessary waste of a cup." He shrugs. "It was half gone anyway." All the utensils on the Isle are half destroyed. King Adam hates all of us with such a burning passion that he made this the stuck-up snobs' dumping grounds. And Mal is off to be one of them. My molars smash against each other at the thought. 

"Ye okay, love?" Harry said. As he gets closer, I get a whiff of alcohol that is clearly not his. Hook. The former captain of the Jolly Roger is a major alcoholic. 

"I'm fine, Hook!" I huff out. Harry only drops his guard whenever he is alone with me. Part of me wonders whether I should truly trust him. That is the rational part of me. The part that keeps me from getting hurt. After all, it's not the people who you hate that can hurt you most but the ones you care for. That's why I eliminated almost everybody who I started to care about from my life. Almost. 

Harry and Gil, son of Gaston are the only exceptions. Gil is a blond idiot who doesn't exactly understand clues of any kind. His skull is as thick as his father's neck, leaving little room for his brain. He is like one of those golden retrievers I've heard about from Jason, Jasper's son. Full of energy and way too happy. He doesn't belong here but here he is anyway, struggling to survive like the rest of us. Fighting for love in places where it never existed. 

I shouldn't trust the two of them as much as I do. They were there for me after my 'accident', after Mal and her crew dumped me aside like I was the disgusting filth my mother had always told me I was. They never left my side. That's why it will only hurt more when they do.

Harry smirks. "Whatever ye say, lass." He switches nicknames faster than his dad goes through rum bottles. "Why are you here Harry?" I am still in a snappy mood. "He slides a couple of Aurodonian dollars across the table. My mood from before disappears as I allow a smile to grace my lips. 

"Lady Tremaine sure is doing good business." More like Dizzy is. While I do feel slightly guilty stealing from Dizzy, you have to do what it takes to survive. Besides, I make sure Dizzy has some food sent over from my mother's chip shop every week. I can't do it more often without my mother noticing. 

My smile fades as soon as I pocket the wad. "Any news about Mal?" I sneer at her name. Harry's smirk is on wide display now, showing off his pearly white teeth. While all other hygiene products were questionable on the Isle, at least we had decent toothpaste. 

His voice drops down to a whisper, despite the emptiness of the docks. "Maleficent is after the Fairy Godmother's wand." My brows furrow at that. "Won't the wand be useless on the Isle?" The whole 'no magic' thing is still in place, otherwise the villains would be running the show. "See, that's where Mally comes in." He says, taking a dramatic pause to trail his fingers down the hook. "She breaks the barrier from Aurodon and Maleficent and the villains take care of the rest."  

I scoff. "And she trusted Mal with that important a job." 

"She is  the one that got an invitation."

That hurts more than I thought it would. Always second to Mal.  The voice in my head is really getting on my nerves.

"If she doesn't get the job done-"

"Maleficent will finish the job for ye. All we have to do is get front-row seats." 

I grin at him. "We might get out."

And for the first time in a while, I allow myself to hope.

Hi guys! I know the chapters are short and sort of boring but I severely underestimated how much world-building I have to do. Updates are going to be inconsistent.

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