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I'm going to murder her! I pace the length of the apartment while Jason watches on in amusement. 

"What was in the bag?" He asks casually, flopping onto the couch. 

"Just my entire life!" 

"I think you should calm down, and take a breather." He says. In the two weeks I've known Jason, I've grown to like him. Is it some weird platonic case of Stockholm Syndrome? Maybe, but Jason has been a good acquaintance. I didn't say anything to him about Maleficent. That feels too personal and it isn't even my secret to tell. I just told him I distracted her and ran. I'm not sure he buys it but luckily he doesn't press for more information. He reminds me of Lonnie in a way, protective and loyal to a fault. Or at least I hope he is. 

"You would not be calm in this situation!"

"Actually, I've been in "this situation" too many times not to be calm about it." He says nonchalantly. "It's common on the Isle. Besides, it's just Uma, she'll probably get bored of you in a few days." Uma is the daughter of Ursula and the girl who robbed me. I've met her twice and I hate her. The first time I saw her she managed to kick my self-doubt up a notch and the second time, she stole all I have left of Aurodon. By the look on her face when she did both things, I'd surmise she likes hurting people. Or if not people, me.

The people of the Isle seem to have mixed opinions of me. Some love me because they think I must have done something truly devious to get here, Some hate me just because I'm from Aurodon, and some are completely indifferent. I like the third one. Uma lies in the second part. She seems to have made it her life's mission to make my life miserable and doesn't look to me like she'll get bored in a few days. 

"I'm going to get it back." I declare. "And you're going to help me."

"Woah! You're doing exactly the opposite of what I told you. You're provoking Uma."

"She already stole from me. I'm just taking what belongs to me back. I need to show her that I'm not just going to sit by while she does whatever the hell she wants."

"Why are you bringing me into this?" 

"You're my friend, aren't you?" I ask with mock innocence.

"This is manipulation." He grumbles but an amused smile rests on his face. 

"So you'll help? Because either way I'm going to do it, with or without you."

"Yeah, I'll help." He grins. "But we make a plan first because Uma is pretty damn dangerous."

"I thought you weren't scared of anyone."

"There's a difference between being brave and being stupid. I'll admit, I'm pretty stupid, but I'm not going to let my stupidity get another person killed."

"You're making me tear up with your heartfelt words."

"Fuck off!"


The plan has gone to shit.

Jason was supposed to distract Uma at the Chip Shop while I snuck onto Uma's ship, snatched the bag and ran. It was interrupted by one of Uma's goons who snuck up on me and grabbed me while I was searching. Sneaky bastard. Said goon now drags me towards Ursula's chip shop with my hands tied behind my back.

When he touched it immediately transported me back to that night. The rough hands grabbing me against my will, the feel of his body overpowering mine while I helplessly struggled. It was all so uncomfortably familiar, I came close to having a panic attack. My pride saved me. I refused to have a panic attack, refused to let him see that he affected me. He'd probably feed off it anyway. 

He hauls my bound form in front of Uma. "Look what I found poking around the Jolly Roger." His accent is Scottish. Uma takes me in, her eyes flicking up and down my body. I see Jason's eyes widen as he also sees me. A muscle jumps in his jaw and he opens his mouth, about to say something but Uma beats him to it.

"Hands off!" She practically growls. I'm satisfied to see the smug look disappear from his face.


"Hands. Off. Do you understand English or do I need to educate you, Hook? Hands fucking off!" He removes the hand that had been gripping my shoulder.

"Is that really necessary?" Jason finally gets in, gesturing at my bound hands.

"None of your business, Badun." Hook snaps, his ego obviously wounded. 

Jason's jaw clenches. "It's Campbell, you fucking asshole!" He grits out.

"Defensive are we?" Hook taunts.

Uma interrupts before Jason can retort. "Harry! You both can take this outside. I have to talk to our guest here." Both of them remain parked where they are. Not before shooting each other hostile glances though. "Suit yourselves." 

She focuses on me, those black eyes burrowing into my soul. "So princess," She sneers. "What were you doing poking around my ship?" I stare back, blue clashing with dark brown, not answering her. Her eyes are unsettling. They're a shade of brown so dark they can be considered black. What's the saying? Eyes are the window to the window to the soul. It's perfect for her.

Harry clears his throat breaking our staring competition. "It's obvious, isn't it? The lass was trying to steal from us!" He seems too excited about what's going to happen. Uma, however, barely spares him a glance.

"You want to know what happens to people who steal from me, princess. Spoiler alert, it doesn't end well." 

"Wow! I got chills. You should put that on your campaign ad." 

"Careful, princess. You're playing a dangerous game." 

I scoff. "It's not stealing if it's mine." 

"You were looking for your bag?" She arches a brow. "There was nothing but junk in there." Of course, she would think that. That bag contains the final pieces of my life before this hell. Family photos, the strings from my guitar(they wouldn't let me carry the whole guitar so I just got a piece of it with me), notes exchanged with Lonnie in the middle of class and 'Rumplestiltskin', the book Aunt Belle gave me, a book I've read and annotated a million times over. They're all fragments of a time when my life wasn't so messed up. And now, they're with her.

"If it's just junk then you'll have no problem giving it back." 

"You really don't know how things work out around here do you? Let me spell it out for you. You. Are. Never. Getting. It. Back."

I start forward but Jason pulls me back. "Sorry for the trouble, Uma. She really doesn't mean harm." He says. Yes I do. Uma's eyes move to rest on him. "Get her out of my sight!" She barks. I'm about to retort but Jason grabs me and runs. 

We both pant, sliding to the floor of the dinghy apartment. I wait for him to get angry, scold me, maybe kick me out but instead a grin stretches across his face. "You know, you're a little too much like me."

"And where'd you come to that conclusion?"

"You have the knack for getting into trouble." He says, still grinning like an idiot.

"I'm not letting Uma off that easily." 

The grin fades. "I know."

"You... do?" I ask, confused. "And what are your thoughts on it?" 

"I think it's utterly stupid." He says giving a solemn pause before the grin breaks out again. "So, when's our next plan?"

"You seriously want to help me? Even after today?" 

"Of course! What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't?" And there's a truth in his words. This whole time, I never completely trusted Jason. But now I'm starting to think that I got something good out of this shitty situation, a real friend. 

And as for Uma? She just declared war.

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