𝐊𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 ✮

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"I thought we were keeping it lowkey?"

Third person POV ٭

The group had set up the kegger. And people soon started showing up.

Milo was walking around the boneyard greeting her fellow kooks solo cup in hand.

She was with one of her friends England and soon walked by JJ who was about to jump on a log.

"Mimi look!" JJ called out gaining her and England's attention. "We are family!"

"Uhm ignore him England, he's weird." Milo laughed adverting her attention to England.

Milo and England continue walking leaving the boy.

Milo glanced over at johnb who was talking to a touron she rolled her eyes looking at her empty cup.

"Let's go get a refill." England said getting Milos attention. "Yeah, I need one."

The two girls went over to the Keg to be stopped by John b and JJ.

"Let us fill that up for you girls." JJ offered in a horrible British accent.

"No thanks were good." England shook her head but JJ just took both of the cups.

"Sorry, he just loves helping the kooks." Milo nervously laughs.

"Well I don't need help." England scoffed taking her drink that was now filled from JJ he was about to say something but got cut off.

"Ok, England just go talk Kelce." Milo sighed and England huffed walking away.

"I don't bitch." JJ grumbled handing Milo her drink.

"I don't think she likes you either, JJ." John b laughed making Milo take a drink.

"I don't know why you hangout with her you don't need kook friends you have us." JJ proudly states crossing his arms.

"I need kook friends too JJ, I literally go to a kook school." Milo said as JJ shrugged.

Milo looked back and saw Sarah climbing a red buoy as topper looked up at her.

"Sarah!" Milo shouted happily running over to her best friend waving goodbye to the two pogues.

Topper tried to help her down as Kelce walked over beside him along with England Milo soon joining them.

Sarah jumped into toppers arms before leaving them and running to Milo.

"Lo lo, I didn't know you were here." Sarah smiled hugging Milo tightly.

"Yeah, I was working all day." She smiled returning the hug.

Milo was with Sarah and England walking around the boneyard Kelce and topper following behind.

Not paying attention to where she's going she bumps into someone.

"Milo?" A familiar face said.

"Hey Blaire." Milo sends her a small smile. "You doin' okay? You look a bit uh, wasted."

She held out her hand and pinches two of her fingers close together. "Only this much."

Milo rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her own cup.

"I heard about your mom." Milo finally says. "Sorry for your loss."

Blaires eyes slightly widen.

"Uh- thanks Milo." Blaire sends her a tight lipped smile. "I heard you got out of rehab?"

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