Letter 1: Lust

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Dearest Lust,

I crave you. I crave your sick fantasies, your pretty little lies. The way you have me wrapped around your finger in a way nobody acknowleges.

I need you, Lust. I need everything about you. I spent night after night alone in bed, praying you'd visit me again. Praying you'd tangle your fingers in ny hair, kiss me deep, hard, yet with more love and passion any guy could ask for.

Why is it always Dean? Why does he get to feel the pleasure of your  blessing everytime we go out? It's not fair.

When's it my turn, Lust? When will you allow me to feel just a slither of what he does. All i want is for you to claim me in every way possible.

Let me feel you. Feel how our bodies collide beautifully. How we connect like peices of a puzzle, how i call out for you as my high rides out.

Fuck me.
Take me.

I haven't had a visit from you in a while and im ready for your return.

I need you so bad. The collision of our kiss is whats making this so fucking hard!!

Please, Lust, it's been 7 bitter years since I've seen your face round here. Round me. What can i do to see you again?

I'm yours, Lust. In all shapes and forms, i belong to you. Only you.

Sinfully yours,
Sam Winchester.

Sinfully Yours, Sam WinchesterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz