Letter 2: Loss

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Why did you take her from me? What have i ever done wrong to you?  I have taken years and years of your bullshit but now you've taken the only thing i had to come home too.

I didn't care about law that bad. I cared about coming home to her. To my Jess. I was gonna marry her, man.
She was my everything, all i wanted and all i could ever ask for.

But she's gone now. You've stolen my everything. Whats next, Dean?! The day you pull that stunt God help me.

Don't you have a heart? She was an angel, a gift from God. She never did a thing wrong to you. She never did a thing wrong to anyone. Jess was the only thing i wanted to live for. I argued with my dad for years to get away from that life. No, that existence. Hunting is not a life. It's a trap. I'd have given anything to grow up "normal". And as soon as I'd escaped, you sent my brother to distract me while you took the one thing i had left. My one scrap of happiness. My Jess.

She must've been so scared. And i wasn't there to protect her, you didn't even take me with her. You didn't let me say goodbye. You, whoever you is, are a sick bastard, a mind fuck, a monster.

Since you took my Jess ive never been the same. I'm angrier, crueler, colder. I feel as if im some angry spirit.

Yet you still don't stop there. You take my dad with her. Now, as much as I hated my dad, yelled at him, called him names, he's still my father. Yes, he's dead for Dean's life, but he's still not here, is he? You couldn't let me have them both. You couldnt let Dean live without the guilt of knowing he's here on Earth because Dad DIED for him? For once, give me a fucking break.

Though thats your plan, isn't it? To exhaust me? To turn me into some blood thirsty bastard? To drive me so far into my own mess that i can't take it any more? To turn me into something.... Supernatural? The very thing i hunt, you plan to turn me into. Well i won't let you, Dean wont let you. We're on your trail, Loss.

Never Yours,
Sam Winchester.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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