Chapter 3 (TW: ABUSE)

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Third person's pov

Eventually, Kazuha left scara's room and they both fell asleep to be ready for the following day.

Kazuha woke up early for the booked appointment with the new customer, he decided not to wake up scara.

He went downstairs to the get the place ready and the customer was there in no time. Kazuha opened the door and smiled softly even though his head still hurt from last night's events.

?: "thank you for the quick appointment, you see, my bike was stolen yesterday and my father's was broken so I had to fix it..."

Kazuha's eyes widened a bit when the customer mentioned his bike being stolen. Not long later, scara came downstairs aswell, wearing pyjamas. He stretched and yawned a bit before he took a look at the customer. The moment their eyes met, scara gasped slightly but tried to play it cool.

?: "ah.. Maybe I came a bit too early hm? Sorry for waking you up"

S: "it's fine. I was going to wake up anyways. Whatever, what's the reason of this visit?"

?: "oh, I brought my father's bike to get it fixed! You see, mine was stolen yesterday night.."

Scara immediately took the bike and grabbed his tools. He looked at it and there were only a few scratches and a missing wheel. He looked at the customer who was wandering around the shop and went back to getting the bike fixed.

?: "oh my.. This bike.. It looks so much like my bike that got stolen! May I ask where you found it? I'd like to buy a new one.."

Scara looked at the bike he was showing them, it was the one he stole yesterday. He looked at kazuha who was obviously panicking on the inside and sighed. Before he could answer to the question, kazuha spoke up.

K: "well you see there was a creepy ass man and he sold it to us very cheaply- sorry we don't have his contact info.. Haha.."

?: "you bought a bike from a creepy man?"

S: "he was very shady but we're a bike shop, we love getting new bikes so we didn't think much of it."

?: "I see.. Such a shame, I really wanted a bike like that back.. It's quite rare nowadays to find one.."

The customer sighed as he looked back at scara.

S: "your bike has been fixed sir. If you don't mind, we have more work to do."

?: "oh already? That's good, thank you so much. How much do I owe you?"

S: "Nothing, it's a special offer for new customers. Besides, it was only missing a wheel."

?: "that's very kind of you! Thank you. I'll see you soon!"

The customer said and left the shop. The moment he disappeared from their view, scara grabbed kazuha's shoulders and shook him.


Kazuha was shocked and terrified by scara's action.

K: "scara we stole his bi-"

S: "that's the least I'm worrying about right now.. Why would you bring HIM here!? Don't you know who he is!?"

K: "no..?"

Kazuha was confused, he didn't know that guy was famous or something.

S: "God.. HE'S TEYVAT'S GREATEST DETECTIVE!! And he has sworn to end our gang even if it kills him. Kaz, we gave away our location, he will come back to arrest us-"

K: "WHAT? we have to lea- wait, did you just call me Kaz?"

S: "shut up it's not the time for that now.."

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