New Beginnnings OO4

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The next day, pale sunlight filtered through the curtains of Penelope's bedroom, signaling a new day. She yawned and stretched, pushing away the remnants of sleep as she sat up in bed. It was midday, and the world outside had been turning for hours already. With a sigh, Penelope swung her legs over the edge of the bed and rubbed her eyes. It had been a restless night, thoughts of her impending decision to work at The Garrison spinning around her mind like a whirlwind.

After a quick splash of cold water on her face, Penelope dressed herself in a simple yet elegant attire – a reflection of her quiet newfound confidence. She tied her chestnut hair into a loose knot and slipped on her coat, casting a last glance at her reflection before heading out the door.

As Penelope stepped outside, she was met with a rather bleak and dreary-looking street. The pale sunlight struggled to penetrate the thick cloud cover, casting a somber and muted light over the cobbled road. The air was cold, and it had rained while she slept. The cobblestones glistened with moisture, reflecting the grayness of the sky above. She spotted the stray tabby that had taken residence on her doorstep, following her around faithfully as she continued down the street.

Just a few houses down, she spotted Mr. Jenkins, an elderly man who had seen better days. He was a solemn figure, having endured the loss of his wife many years ago. His life had been shaped by hardships, long before the war added its own scars. Nowadays, he could often be found sitting in front of his house, watching the world go by. A solitary figure, he sat on a rickety wooden chair, positioned strategically to observe the slow ebb and flow of the street.

"Good day, Mr. Jenkins," Penelope offered with a small smile, hoping to keep the exchange brief. She had a destination in mind, and her mind was too preoccupied to engage in lengthy conversations. Mr. Jenkins looked up, his rheumy eyes lighting up at the sight of a friendly face.

"Ah, Penelope, good day to you too, my dear."

She nodded politely, about to continue on her way when something caught her eye. A hint of curiosity tugged at her, prompting her to look closer. "Mr. Jenkins, are you all right?" Penelope's voice was laced with concern as she noticed the dark, bruised patches that marred his normally weathered skin. The old man chuckled dryly, a mirthless sound. "Just a little tumble, my dear. No need to fret."

Penelope wasn't convinced. She knelt beside him, her eyes narrowing as she studied the bruises. "That looks rather painful. Are you sure you don't need any help?"

A touch of dismissiveness crept into his typically polite tone. "No dear. I am sure. Now go ahead about your day."

"Alright, sir. Do ring my bell if you need anything?" she said, trying to maintain a sense of friendliness despite the unexpected coldness in his response. She continued on her way, the encounter with Mr. Jenkins tugging at her thoughts. The stray tabby meowed, and Penelope offered a reassuring pat on its head.

The journey to The Garrison was long and cold. The occasional passerby bundled up in heavy coats, hurried along with downcast gazes. Somewhere along the way, the tabby cat had disappeared, leaving her alone with her musings. She paused outside the pub's entrance, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. Pushing open the door, she stepped inside, greeted by the familiar faces of The Garrison's patrons. The pub was quite busy, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air. Thomas Shelby, with his piercing blue eyes, looked up from his conversation in the back."Brothers," he spoke softly, "excuse me for a moment."
She glanced briefly at the men sharing Thomas's table – Arthur and John, each nursing their pints. Arthur's gaze met hers, but there was a distance in his expression. "Pour the lady a drink," Thomas instructed in his characteristically curt manner. Penelope offered a warm smile to Harry, the bartender, a silent acknowledgment for his swift service.
"What you having?" Harry inquired, his eyes meeting Penelope's.
"Anything," she replied with a small shrug, her gaze shifting to Thomas. As the glass was placed before her, she lifted it in a silent toast, a gesture of acknowledging Thomas's proposal and the choices that had brought her here.
"So," Thomas began, his voice steady, "I assume you are here to tell me if you accept my offer."Penelope took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a rush of emotions at the significance of her response. "I am," she replied, her voice steady but her heart pounding, "and I do." Her words hung in the air, the weight of her decision settling upon her shoulders. Yet there was an underlying sense of determination within her, a belief that she had made the right decision."I do accept your offer, I mean," she clarified, realizing her own nervous rambling. She glanced briefly at Harry, wanting to ensure he was on board with her decision.
"Fine by me, miss," Harry interjected with a smile, offering his support for her choice. Thomas nodded, his expression inscrutable.
"Welcome to The Garrison, Penelope."
''Officially," she said with a hint of relief and a small smirk, acknowledging the weight of her decision. She turned around on the stool to look at the table where Arthur and John sat. This time, Arthur raised his pint, a gesture of approval. She assumed Thomas had brought his brothers up to speed already, and the thought brought a slight tension that crept up on her. She knew she would experience more of those long evenings, just like the ones she had spent with Arthur – full of complex conversations and challenging drunken ramblings
"Indeed," Thomas replied, his tone leaving her wondering what lay behind his guarded demeanor. To break the ice and foster a sense of camaraderie, Thomas raised his own glass and gestured to the other patrons and staff present. "A round for everyone," he declared, his voice cutting through the room, the gesture prompting smiles and nods from those around. "To welcome Penelope." Glasses were raised, and the clinking sound filled the air.
"Hear hear," Arthur's voice rang out, joining the chorus of approval. A smile tugged at Penelope's lips as she realized that this might be exactly the thing she needed. 
''Thanks Thomas.''

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