Chapter 2

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"Oh come on." Peter groaned

Peter walked out of her room and to his own room. Pegasus ran outside to where Loki was trying to fight the Frost giants.

"Well crap." Pegasus said when she saw the frost Giants

There were about 15 frost giants and Loki was trying to fight them all. It was like a mouse trying to fight 15 cats at once.

"Loki!" Pegasus shouted

"I thought I told you to go to your room." Loki said running up to her

"You did." Pegasus said, "But you can't order me to do anything."

A frost giant tried to sneak up on Loki and grab him. Pegasus quickly put a force field around her and Loki.

"You've been practicing." Loki said

"Yeah, every day." Pegasus said

The frost giants were banging on the force field trying to break it.

"I don't think I can hold this for much longer." Pegasus said as the frost giants cracked the force field

"Ok we're going to have to run and hide while we think of a plan." Loki said

"I don't think we'll have time to run." Pegasus said tilting her head to the giant crack in her force field that was getting bigger

The frost giant hit her force field again and the crack spread all over the force field

"One more hit and we're dead." Loki said

"One more hit and I'll pass out." Pegasus said

"Take the forcefield down." Loki demanded

"What why?" Pegasus asked

"Just do it!" Loki said looking right at her, "Trust me."

"You better have a good plan." Pegasus said quickly taking down the force field

Loki quickly grabbed her hand and put up an illusion of them running in the other direction. While the Frost Giants followed the illusion Loki and Pegasus ran into the Avengers headquarters.

"I'll go get Tony you get everyone else." Pegasus said

"If you insist Darling." Loki agreed

"Meet back here." Pegasus yelled over her shoulder

Loki ran off to look for everyone while Pegasus ran into Tony's lab where he was working on a new suit.

"Tony, we need your help." Pegasus said

"Who's we?" Tony asked

"Me and Loki duh." Pegasus said rolling her eyes

"I'll help you, but I won't help him." Tony said

"Why does everyone hate Loki so much?" Pegasus asked

"Oh I don't know, maybe because he leaded an army to earth, almost killing everyone." Tony explained

"Ok, well I still need your help." Pegasus sighed, "Loki's illusion won't keep the Frost giants busy for long."

"Well, I don't need a long time." Tony said gently pressing the metal thing on his chest

They ran back into the meeting place and saw Loki surrounded by the Avengers. 

"We'll go suit up." Bucky said, "Well, they will."

They all left the room to go "Suit up". Peter turned around.

"Let's go show those frost giants who's boss." Tony said walking out the door

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