Chapter 3

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"Banner, well not really." Peter said

"What happened?" Pegasus asked

"Banner left walked down there, transformed into that thing, ran outside and started smashing everything." Peter explained

Outside the window was a blue and purple octopus human with spikes all over its huge body.

"What in the nine realms." Loki said shocked

"That doesn't seem like it's from any of the nine realms." Pegasus said

"I mean we don't everything about every realm." Loki said

"True." Pegasus said

"I'm sorry what?" Peter asked

"The nine realms?" Loki asked

"What's that" Peter said

"We don't really have the time to explain." Pegasus said

"Oh ok." Peter said

"Peter go get the avengers." Pegasus said

"On it." Peter said, running to find them

Loki walked back into the room and set Pegasus on the bed.

"I'll go help the Avengers." Loki said

"But I want to help." Pegasus said

"You can't even stand." Loki said

"Just don't leave." Pegasus said

"I have to." Loki said

"PLEASE!" Pegasus pleaded

"Alright." Loki said

"Thank you." Pegasus said

There was a loud crash outside the room.

"I'll be right back." Loki said

As Loki ran out of the room a grenade flew past Pegasus's head, almost hitting her.

"LOKI!" Pegasus yelled, "HELP!"

The grenade flew into the corner of the room. Before Loki could run into the room the grenade blew up.

"PEGASUS!" Loki yelled

The explosion had knocked Pegasus off the bed. Loki called for Pegasus as he searched the room. She could barely hear his muffled voice. The whole room was lit up by flames.

"PEGASUS!" Loki called again

Pegasus tried to yell out for Loki, but she couldn't. Pegasus passed out because of all the smoke. Loki found Pegasus under a fallen piece of the ceiling. He picked her up and ran out of the room.

He found the Avengers outside.

"Where did the monster go?" Loki asked

"It got away while we were trying to stop the grenade from flying into the room." Peter said

"Is she ok?" Tony asked

"I don't know." Loki sighed quietly

"Tony go look for Banner he could still be in there." Steve demanded

"Yes Cap." Tony said as he flew into the building

"Loki..." Steve paused, "Stay with Pegasus."

Loki didn't respond, instead he sat down and held Pegasus in his arms.

"Bad news guys." Tony said flying out of the building

"What is it?" Steve asked

"I found Bruce." Tony asked

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