Chapter 17

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"Rozalina! Colette and Ashley are here!" I ran down to meet them at the door.

"Thanks Bram! Hey guys, come on up." Grabbing both of their hands I ran back upstairs.

"Wow Lina, I didn't know you lived in a mansion, and that you lived with Bram." Colette piped up.

"Yeah we're sort of cousins I guess." Flinging open my bedroom door I ushered them inside and firmly shut the door.

"This is your room? Wow..." Colette murmured and looked around the room. I smiled and walked to the closet. Pulling out the dress, and shoes I walked to my large vanity and spread all of my makeup out.

"Alright, who is first?" Ashley slid into the chair and smiled at me from the reflection of the mirror. I started with her hair, gathering it all in my hands I teased it into a messy looking ponytail. Sliding the butterfly clip into her hair I moved onto makeup. Using blue eyeshadow (it matched her dress, not that whoresh other blue) and eyeliner I brought most attention to her eyes. When I was finished she squealed and hugged me.

"It's going to smudge!" I pushed her away and smiled. "C'mere Col." The younger girl sat in the chair quietly as I braided her hair and twisted it up into a bun. I did her makeup sparingly (out of spite because I'm a bit of a bitch) but let her use my favorite red lipstick. While they changed into their dresses I soundlessly did my own hair, curling it loosely. My makeup was a bit trickier, creating a smokey eye effect I topped it off with pale pink lipstick.

"Time for the dress." Ashley grinned.

"Yeah Lina, you can't hide it now." Colette smiled. Rolling my eyes I slipped out of their sight and pulled the beautiful dress on. Carefully, so as to not rip them, I pulled the sleeves down. Making sure the skirt wasn't bunched or tangled I stepped out.

"Lina." Both girls stared at me wordlessly. Ashley looked stunning, I knew that dress would work for her. And Colette, as much as I hate to admit it, look breathtaking. After a few beats of silence all three of us burst out into a fit of giggles.

"Arent we royalty." I turned my nose up and gave them my best posh expression. They quickly mimicked me and soon we were prancing around my room like the queen of England or something.

"Ok guys, I have one more surprise." Walking to my dresser I pulled out my jewelry box. Both girls crowded around. "I put serious thought into these because Ashley and I will be off to college soon and Colette will still be in high school." The younger girl's shoulders sagged a bit. "But with these I thought we wouldn't be able to forget each other so here, for Ashley." It was silver with diamonds twisted around the band, a gleaming sapphire (that reminded me of Alexander's eyes but that's not the point) was placed at the center. I gave Colette an identical one but instead of a sapphire it was a ruby. Finally I pulled a third ring out, it was different because instead of a gemstone at the center there was a rounded piece of rose quartz.

"Lina... They're beautiful." Ashley slid her ring onto her right hand ring finger.

"I dont think I can accept this." Colette tried handing me the ring but I slid it onto the same finger as Ashley. Smiling I put my ring on.

"Now you bitches can't forget me." Colette and Ashley looked at each other then at me. We hugged until I heard Bram.

"Ladies, your valient men are here to whisk you away to the ball." We giggled and slipped on our heels.

"Coming!" I called. "Ready girls?"

"You betcha!" All three of us walked downstairs.

Alexander's P.O.V.

I have been hiding since they showed up. Me. Hiding in my own damn home. I was about to come out until I heard the girl's voices, moving to a place that I could see them I waited. The smallest girl, I think her name started with a C, came down first. The dress was pretty I suppose. Next was Ashley, ah that girl. Of course she would pick something flashy like that. I smiled and then looked at Rozalina. She took my breath away. In that moment jealousy swept over me, that dress is perfect for her. Modest yet stunning, just like her. I watched as a pompous red headed boy took her arm. A growl started low in my throat as he kissed her cheek and a pretty blush bloomed across her cheeks. As Bram closed the door behind them he called to me.

"You can quit your growling now Tarzan." Standing I came out into the dark room.

"It's not fair, who is that kid?"

"He's a new boy, just moved here. He asked her to prom with a big grand gesture." Bram shrugged and walked away. "I'd make your move if I were you, I don't think you have much time left." With that he left. Bram is right. I made my way up to my room and picked out my best suit. I'm going to crash that prom and show Rozalina a night she'll never forget.

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