Ch. 1.2 Poking the Bear

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2 months later

"You look nervous." Dean stated as he tightened the black gloves onto his hands. He didn't need to look at the girl for her to know he was talking to her. "That obvious?" She asked as she picked at her cargo pants. It was only her and Dean in the room as he clenched and un clenched his fist to make sure the fit was right. "Everybody gets nervous during their debut. At least yours is destroying somebody people hate and not someone they love." He said as he shrugged. He wasn't really interested in helping the girl feel better, it was never his strong suit. So he tried to make her realize that her debut wouldn't be half bad. I mean sure, it's still nerve racking being behind the scenes and not knowing if the crowd would react well to you. And yeah when he first debuted he tugged on his hair very hard thinking about whether or not he would fuck up and embarrass himself. And of course he had stress pooped three times before they went on, but it wasn't half bad. "It's scary 'cause you're thinking about it. When you go out there it'll go away. Roman's showed us your work, you're very good. They'll love you. Plus, you get to hit Lana, how couldn't they." As Dean said, he wasn't trying to help, he didn't put effort into it. Or so he thought.

The girl smiled and stopped picking at her pants, her worries were washing away as the gravelly voiced boy talked. His voice was soothing and for some reason she felt like he meant what he was telling her whether he looked interested in the conversation or not. It made her hopeful for their possible friendship.

She had met Seth and Dean many times in the past few months, obviously. She has spent breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with the boys. Yet, she didn't feel like they were her friends. She knew Roman was, she could count on that but she didn't know the other two well enough and she wasn't sure if she would. When they talked it was about work and that was about it. She didn't hang out with Dean and Seth like they did with each other. She tried a few times but felt like she didn't belong so she has only ever met them for food. Sharing a room with Roman she didn't have to interact any more than a few words here and there.

In fact this might be the first actual conversation she's had that didn't involve Roman or talking about their faction. It was, interesting. "Thanks." She said which caused the boy to shrug. After a few seconds the door opened and the girl snapped her head to see a Roman she hadn't seen in forever, a conflicted one. He didn't seem to care about his surroundings or the two people in the room as he looked at his feet. She could tell from his posture alone that the man was thinking about something hard. Something the boy rarely did, so it confused her. "Joe?" She asked as she stood up and walked over to the boy who plopped down on the bench. The sudden noise scared the man who was -indeed- in his own head.

Roman was in love with Ali, he knew it, and apparently Hunter did too because he pulled the samoan inside his office from catering. It was a conflicting conversation, Hunter proposed the idea that Ali and Roman kiss and become a couple, Roman said that him and Ali were just friends then Hunter broke down why they weren't just friends and told the samoan it was happening. He was confused at first, I mean he wanted to kiss the girl, he really did but he's heard about how that can fuck up friendships and he didn't want that. Plus, he didn't know how the girl felt about him so the thought of her hating the idea and rejecting him replayed in his mind. He wasn't sure if he would recover if she did, yet it wasn't his fault so why was he so worried? He had thought about how he would tell his best friend -who still hadn't been anywhere near healed- that they would have to be in a public relationship. "I have to tell you something." He muttered as the girl placed her head on his clothed shoulder and wrapped her hands around his bicep.

"What's up? I haven't seen you look so in your own head in years." She stated as she looked at the TV playing the timeline for today. She wondered what was going through the big dogs head, he usually was so collected yet now he looked almost scared. The two were lost in their own world as they enjoyed the comfort of each other, "I'll be at catering." Dean said sensing that he was not needed anymore. He paid his dues by helping the girl and that was enough for him. He gave the two a swift nod before walking out. "Hunter just pulled me aside." He muttered, the girl hummed in response, "He wants us to date." He said as he looked down at his hands that were enclosed while his elbows rested on his thighs. "I figured he would eventually." She explained as she shrugged like it was no big deal. And to her it wasn't, Roman had acted like her boyfriend before at clubs and raves so it was no biggie. So what they would hold hands who cared, she didn't. "He wants us to kiss tonight." Okay they have never done that before. Best friends didn't kiss and they were best friends so they didn't kiss. It was too far, so why did she find the idea fascinating and exciting? "Look at me." She said as she gained a little spirt of confidence. Why? She didn't know, but Roman was her best friend and a little kiss wouldn't ruin that, right?

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