sick day - rinbachi - chapter 2/2

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The time was 8:35am, bachira slowly opened his eyes and yawned, he then sat up, rubbing his eyes while looking left to right, he was disappointed that rin wasn't beside him, "achoo!" he sneezed, he sneezed? why? his he sick? but how?

the door then opened, it was rin, he had a small table with breakfast on it, kaya toast with grilled cheese and a side of hot chocolate just for bachira, he was also holding a cup of coffee for himself, "good morning bachi.." he said, smiling at him, he didn't realised how bachira looked at the time as the only light source was the sunlight that was passing through the blinds, he then sat the small table down infront of bachira, sitting down next to him, "t-thank you r- achoo! rin.." rin raised his eyebrows at bachira's stutters, it was only then when rin kissed bachira's forehead he knew something was wrong, "are you okay, bachi?" bachira nodded in response and sneezed again, it was obvious that he wasn't okay, he was just pretending and didn't wanted to worry rin, "I know your not okay" bachira sneezed again before answering, "maybe I've got a fever.." rin sighed and kissed his forehead before feeding him the grilled cheese, "you should rest bachi.. I'll get you some medicine okay?"

"no.. I don't want any! medicine taste bad!"

"bachira, do you want to get better?" rin responded in a worried yet strict tone, bachira whined and took another bite of his grilled cheese, "stay here okay? eat a little more before taking your medicine." rin said, crawling out of bed and leaving the room, leaving the door opened, bachira sighed heavily and placed his food on top of the desk next to him and laid down, cuddling himself.

a few moments had past and rin came back with a termonitor, some medicine with a glass of water and a fever patch, he sat down beside bachira and shook him gently, "bachi? you okay?" he said in an caring tone, "your heating up.. look at me" bachira turned around, his face was red and his eyes looked weak, "gosh you poor thing" rin said, unwrapping the fever patch and putting it on bachira's forehead to cool him down abit, he then placed the termonitor in bachira's mouth to check how bad it was, "67 celsius.. you should skip practice today, I will too and take care of you okay?"

"no.. its fine.. I don't want you to- acho!! miss practice because of me.."

rin looked at him, frowning as he narrowed his eyes, "no, I insist, I can't leave you here by yourself like this." rin responded, "here, sit up for a second and eat your medicine" bachira sat up slowly, he felt like he could throw up any minute and was a little bit drowsy, therefore, doing what rin told him to, when rin was about to feed him the medicine bachira finally snapped back into reality, "wait-! no..! I don't want to eat that! its yucky!"

"bachira.. its a pill.. it doesn't taste like anything.."

"yes it does! and it's yucky!"

rin sighed and popped one of the pills in his mouth and kissed bachira on the lips, causing the pill to fall out of rin's mouth and into bachira's, bachira immediately got red while rin remained his cool but was blushing a little, rin didn't mind getting sick, as long as he didn't have to see bachira suffer, he would be happy, rin then pulled away, both of them letting out a gasp of air before looking at each other dead in the eyes, "i- i- uhm..." bachira fumbled on his words, touching his lips, "heh.. your adorable, now get some rest, that fever won't go away without it." rin said, smirking and was getting ready to leave when suddenly, bachira grabbed him by the arm, "don't leave me.. please stay.." rin looked at bachira's adorable eyes and his heart immediately got soft, "okay.."

rin then laid down beside bachira, putting his hand on top of bachira's head, grabbing his waist and pulling bachira closer to him, bachira felt comfort in his arms as his face was stuffed into rin's chest, bachira put his arms around rin and hugged him back tightly, "t-thank you rin.. I really appreciate it.."

"I love you~" rin suddenly said, looking down at bachira, smiling sincerely

"h-huh?! I love you too!" bachira smiled back happily, to other people his smile was just as any ordinary smile, but to rin it was the brightest amongst them all, his smile was as bright as the sun to rin, maybe even brighter!

rin chuckled and cuddled closer with bachira, "let's get some sleep okay..?" rin whispered, bachira just nodded his head and soon, they both drifted away to sleep.


{ to be continued }

[839 words]

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