best day - rinbachi - chapter 3/2 { EXTRA }

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bachira yawned, it was the next morning, he didn't know it was possible to sleep that long, bachira looked up at rin who was still cuddling him, he looked majestic while sleeping, bachira smiled, feeling much better, he kissed rin on the lips, "good morning..~!" he said in a sleepy but somewhat energetic voice, "hmph.. goodmorning.." rin whined, stuffing his face into bachira's hair, "heheh~ that tickles rin!" rin smiled at bachira's energy and kissed him on the forehead, removing his fever patch, "your gonna give me an heartattack with that type of energy in the morning.." rin smiled, "looks like your all better.."

"yups!" he gasp, he had an idea, "rin! rin! can we take a bath together~? it's been awhile since we did"

rin chuckled, "of course bachira.. go turn on the bath first, ill be there with some new clothes and towels" rin kissed bachira on the forehead one last time before letting him go, bachira nodded his head in agreement and walked out of the room, heading to the bathroom.

rin then got up and walked to the closet, picking out a comfy outfit for the both of them and a few towels, he then walked to the bathroom and opened the door to bachira sitting down playing with the bubbles in the bathtub, rin giggled and
placed their clothes next to the sink, taking off his shirt and sat behind bachira, hugging him as the cold water from the shower head fall down on their heads, bachira's giggles echoed through the room has he continued playing with the bubbles, rin smiled softly at bachira's excitement, he found it pretty cute, he gave bachira a small smooch on the cheek and poured some shampoo on his hands, washing bachira's hair first as he continued playing with bubbles.

bachira turned around to look at rin and smiled brightly, rin was pretty taken aback by how adorable he was a blushed a little, "your smile might give me a heartattack.. your so adorable." bachira just smiled even more to that compliment and hugged him tight, rin held bachira's head and snuggled closer to him, "i love you."

"I love you too silly!"


they both got out of the bath, rin took the towels he brought in and wiped bachira and wrapped the towel around him, grabbing his face gently and giving him a quick peck on the forehead and smiled, bachira smiled back as rin wrapped a towel around himself two, both of them went to the bedroom to change into the comfy clothes and bachira immediately jumped on top of the bed, opening his arms and gesturing to rin that he wanted a hug, rin buttoned up his shirt and smiled, jumping on top of him, they both giggled and rin started embracing bachira, hugging him tightly and showering him with kisses while bachira just laid still and enjoyed every moment of it, still giggling occasionally.

they both stayed in bed for awhile until rin checked the time, 8:23am, "bachi, how about we eat some breakfast and then head to training? I was thinking of some puff pastry today, how about that?" rin asked with a smile, bachira nodded, "sure!" rin then gave bachira one last kiss and they both held hands while walking to the kitchen, they had a blast trying out new dishes, although bachira nearly burned down the kitchen, they had fun and after all that hardwork, the food actually tasted incredible, "wow.. these taste soooo good!" bachira said, feeding rin some, "mhmm!" rin mumbled as his mouth was full of food, they both smiled at each other and rin suddenly remembered about practice, he took out his phone and texted the "blue lock" group chat to notify everyone that they might be a little late, "hey guys, bachira and I might be a little late today so don't wait up on us."

"we weren't gonna wait up for you both anyways" said kunigami

"ignore him, he's a little frustrated, anyways noted, I'll tell ego for you both, isagi said he'll be a little late too" chigiri said

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