Chapter 1-Electrocuted

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Disclaimer:  I do not own Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous at all. This is just a fanfiction. 

Also this turned out longer than I meant it to be. It ultimately follows the canon of season 2 episode 8, but with a major change. You'll see. (Or read the summary of the story and know ahead of time for yourself)

Yaz, Ben, Brooklyn, Kenji and Bumpy were in the control room. They could see their friends on the screen, but they were helpless. Tiff and Mitch were sneaking up on Sammy and Darius, but Ben was right, they couldn't hear Brooklyn, Kenji or Yaz's pleas and warnings. All they could do was watch.

"It's over," Tiff announced, startling Darius and Sammy. The two campers turned to face the current danger, but they were cornered either way. The hunting couple in front of them, the destroyed remains of main street at their backs. "Don't even think about running!"

"You think we wouldn't be able to find you in the jungle?" Mitch patronized. Darius looked around and then protectively put himself in front of Sammy. He was the leader, he promised to get them all home. Plus, they need him, not Sammy, it was the safest move out of his limited options.

"This isn't a game, children." Tiff threatened, reaching her taser wand closer to Darius and Sammy. "Give me the guns." Darius slowly took the strap off of his shoulder, but instead of giving it over, he passed it back to Sammy as he spoke.

"We can't let you shoot dinosaurs." Sammy held the guns to her chest, and stared over Darius' shoulder, whispering his name in his ear out of concern.

"That's not really your call. Now give me the weapons, D." Mitch advanced a little further, but Darius stood his ground. "I'm not messing around here, kid. Give me the guns."

"Darius," Sammy whispered again, her voice shaking with fear.

"It'll be okay," Darius whispered back, not daring to take his eyes off their enemies.

"Last chance," Tiff threatened.

"You would hurt me, you need me to show you where the watering hole is. Sammy doesn't know, only me." Darius laid out his cards. He didn't know what to think of Tiff and Mitch, but they didn't strike him as a couple who thought things through. Highlighting his importance felt like the right move. A loud thump suddenly echoed through main street and Darius glanced back at Sammy. The T-rex was coming.

"Oh no," Sammy gasped.

"We have to go." Darius had never heard himself sound so confident, so calm, in such a life threatening situation. "We have to go now."

"You're not going anywhere with our gun!" Tiff threatened and Darius felt the prongs of her weapon connect with his chest. The electricity flowing through them burned through his shirt and set off all his nerves. It was a blinding pain and he couldn't even think. All he knew is that he'd cried out and now, he was falling back.

"DARIUS!" Sammy shouted, forgetting about the guns and moving to catch her friend. Tiff turned to her as if to do the same thing and Sammy closed her eyes, trying to prepare herself for the shock when all of a sudden a tablet sounded as if it was powering on and Tiff froze.

"It's working," she grinned, then waving the tablet in the air, she thanked whoever turned the power on. Mitch took his eyes off Darius and Sammy, as he looked over his wife's shoulder at the now functioning tablet. The watering hole was clearly on the map and clearly surrounded with all the dinos they could hope for, but one dot in particular was close by, and approaching fast.

"What's that one?" Mitch asked as another thump sounded down main street.

Sammy couldn't care less what Tiff and Mitch were focusing on. All she cared about was Darius. After running from dinos day after day, Sammy had heard Darius scream, but never had he sounded like he was in that much pain. Directly after Tiff pulled her weapon back, Darius collapsed back and Sammy was barely able to catch him.

"Darius!" Sammy cried. "Darius, wake up! Please, please, please wake up!" Sammy shook Darius, but his whole body was limp. "No, no, no, no." Sammy looked up as she heard the T-rex getting closer. "Darius, you have to wake up. It's coming. We have to get out of here, you said it yourself." Sammy kept pleading with him, but nothing got through; he didn't even stir. Sammy froze for a moment, all the blood drained from her skin and she turned as white as a ghost. Tiff's blow was pretty bad, but surely it couldn't have... Sammy looked at Darius' body resting on her lap and then over at Tiff and Mitch. The T-rex sounded so close, and Darius wasn't waking up. Sammy was scared to even think it, but he might even be dead. She wanted to check, feel for a pulse, but any more hesitation and they'd be dead for sure. T-rex chow wasn't how she wanted to go out, so with the guns on her back Sammy picked up Darius and ran. "Please, please be okay." She begged just as the T-rex roared behind her and she vaguely heard Tiff and Mitch panic, but Sammy didn't look back. They weren't her priority.

Chapter 2 will show the others point of view from the control room, just like in the episode. Till next time, I hope you're all having a good day. Thanks for reading. 

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