Chapter 3-Causing Chaos

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Beneath the table, Sammy felt it shake and then the one on its side next to her, was knocked out of the way. Sammy pulled Darius closer to her, but the t-rex was right there. It's feet less than a couple meters from hers. Sammy didn't dare draw a breath as she squeezed her eyes shut and held onto Darius for dear life. For a moment, nothing happened and cautiously Sammy opened her eyes. Then in sudden movement, the t-rex's head dropped to the floor and Sammy was looking straight into one of its eyes. She screamed gathering Darius in her arms, she jumped to her feet, the table being knocked over as she did. She barely made it a few steps before her and Darius fell back in between the two buildings The t-rex snapped at them, but its head was too large to fit between the two concrete structures.

"Oh no, oh no," Sammy gasped, as she curled up as far back as she could, watching the t-rex slowly chip away at the two buildings. She looked back down at Darius, his arm was scraped when she threw him here with her. She shook him again, trying to block out the sound of the T-rex's jaw snapping merely feet away. "Oh Darius, I'm so sorry." The t-rex roared again before returning to its attempts at getting to them and Sammy flinched. She swallowed hard and closed her eyes again. There was nowhere left to go, nothing to do, she just had to wait it out and hope that it would work out okay.

The second Sammy fell between the buildings with Darius everyone in the control room had jumped back into action. Each of them was glancing between control panels and the screen, making sure their friends were still breathing as they hit every button they could find.

"Come on," Brooklyn whispered to herself, trying a lever to just do something. "There's got to be another way to help." She said a little louder looking at the people present. Kenji scanned the controls in front of him, reading out what he found. Nothing seemed obviously helpful so as Sammy screamed in the streets everyone in the control room hit every switch they could until Brooklyn finally pulled the right lever. The regular advertisements that were usually broadcast over the PA system started running and the sound distracted the T-rex. It roared in the opposite direction of Sammy and Darius.

"YES, yes, yes!" Kenji cheered as smiles spread on Brooklyn, Ben and Yaz's faces. The lights along all of main street were going wild from their tampering and every bit of it was confusing the hell out of the t-rex. Overwhelmed she started roaring in every direction, completely forgetting about Sammy and Darius. As the hologram appeared, all the real t-rex's attention was drawn to its hologram counterpart. Ben and Kenji jumped up, cheering with everyone else in the room. Sammy didn't waste the opportunity and she got up, running out of mainstreet with Darius.

The second they were out of danger, truly out of danger, Brooklyn collapsed back into a chair. She didn't even really remember when she stood up, but now she was simply exhausted and relieved. The others remained standing as they celebrated the win. Then they heard the PA system coming online and quieted down, glancing at each other expectantly. 

Sammy was far into the jungle when she finally slowed down and laid Darius on the grass. She leaned against a tree and to no one in particular exclaimed,

"Did that really just happen? Did we actually make it out alive?" She looked over at Darius, hoping he'd stir and answer her question, but he just laid there. "Darius." Sammy remembered how injured he was, how she didn't even know if he was alive. With all the adrenaline and fear, she'd been so focused on surviving in the moment, she never stopped to ask if it was too late for one of them. She stumbled tiredly to Darius' side and fell to her knees beside him. She looked him over and was about to check his pulse when mic feedback startled her and she heard what sounded like Kenji clearing his throat.


"Kenji?" Sammy asked, looking up at the trees and sky.

"Yeah, it's us!"

"We found a backup generator and turned the power back on!" Brooklyn's voice came over the speakers.

"Oh thank goodness, you saved our lives!" Sammy shouted back. There was a beat of silence as Sammy looked back down at Darius.

"Does that mean Darius is okay?" Ben asked and Sammy's head snapped back up again.


"Yeah, it's me, long story." Ben shrugged it off. He was alive when they thought he was dead, now he just wanted to know if Darius was pulling the same trick as him.

"Is Darius okay?" Yaz asked again and Sammy's face grew serious. She shook off the joy that Ben was alive and with the others. Darius was the one hurt right now. Sammy's hands were shaking, but nervously she took Darius' wrist and felt for a pulse. Closing her eyes she focused and then all the tension released from her body. Tears of joy and relief blurred her vision as a grin planted itself firmly on her face.

"He has a pulse!" She declared, finally taking deep breaths again. Everyone in the control room relaxed as well. Darius was alive. They were all alive. "But he's still not waking up, and Mitch and Tiff are going to the watering hole. We have to stop them!" Sammy yelled, ruining the blissful moment of peace.

"Mitch and Tiff know where it is then," Brooklyn brow furrowed. "And they're going to kill the dinosaurs." Everyone sat in silence for a moment.

"What are we going to do?" Sammy asked.

"I don't know," Brooklyn sighed. "Hap said their boat was at the northwest dock, but–"

"But we can't just let Mitch and Tiff kill the dinosaurs." Kenji nodded.

"Before Tiff hurt Darius," Sammy started talking. "He was blaming this all on himself, saying they wouldn't know about the watering hole if it wasn't for him." Sammy took her friend's hand in hers. "He wanted me to get away and get you all to safety on the boat. If he was awake right now, he'd probably still be trying to go it alone."

"Yeah, probably." Yazmina agreed. "But we wouldn't have let him."

"Absolutely. We're in this together." Brooklyn shouted.

"And I never liked those two anyway," Kenji added, crossing his arms.

"So, it's dino saving time!" Sammy exclaimed.

"Yep, camp family style." Yaz smiled, really believing in their bond now.

"Okay, but what is that exactly?" Kenji cut in. "How do we stop them?"

"Feed them to the Mosasaurus." Everyone looked at Ben shocked. He sighed, shaking his head.

"No," Brooklyn voiced reason. "But you have given me an idea. If Mitch and Tiff are going there to kill dinosaurs, then we just have to make sure there are no dinosaurs there for them to kill."

"Sounds like what we do best." Kenji grinned, proudly. "Causing chaos?"

"Getting stuck in a herd of angry dinosaurs?" Yaz joked.

"Defeating Torro." Brooklyn rolled her eyes at Ben.

"Mainly the first one." She smiled at Kenji and then took charge. "I'll pick up Darius and meet you at the docks, the rest of you need to get those dinos away from the watering hole. And here's how we're gonna do it." 

Thanks for reading. I hope you're all having good days and if they aren't good I hope they get better for you. 

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