The birth

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Among the corridors of a hospital a sound of screaming was heard the sound came from a private room where a new infant was soon to be born. The women screamed in agony holding her husband's hand ever so tightly. The sound of a bizarre rain and thunderstorm was heard indicating the start of a new generation. One final scream finishing the process and replacing the scream with the cry of a child signalling the birth of a new life in the world of living. The infant was kept on the women's chest and slept as soon as kept. The women's ocean blue eyes light up on her tired face.

"Congratulations, its a boy." Those few words came out of the docter's mouth.

"My baby boy." Women held her baby in gental hug careessing its cheeks her eyes not leaving the infant infront her.

"So, what are you going to name him?" The father of the boy asked.

"It will be Natsu." The women said not removing eye contact with the infant.

"Natsu Dragneel, huh? I'm sure he will be a great heir to the family." The brown-haired man said in pride imagining the future that the boy holds.

"I'm sure he will be, after all he is your son Gildarts." The women said to man whose name was revealed be be Gildarts.

"He sure is. Azure, but are you fine? you need to take rest now." Gildarts said in a worried tone to the newly introduced Azure.

"Don't worry abo--" Azure tried to reassure but became unconsious from the fatigue. To which guildarts smiled.

5 min later

"So, you have come, Zeref." Gildarts said turning towards the tall 6 ft black-haired young man who was wearing a white shirt, black tie underneath a black coat, black pants and black shoes overall wearing a businessman attire.

"Yes, I wanted to meet mother aswell but it seems she is taking a well deserved rest." Zeref stated.

"See he's your brother." Guldarts showed to Zeref carrying the baby on his hands.

"He is preety. I think he will be a fine heir to the family." Zeref said smiling.

"He sure will, but have you brought what I asked for?" Gildarts asked Zeref.

"Yes, I have." Zeref said taking out a machine from his pocket. There was a thin nip like injection and a small meter attached to it.

"Ok I have made Natsu unconsious with the injection now is the time to check." Gildarts took the machine from Zeref and penetrated through Natsu's skin and took small amount of blood. The meter glowed orange along wth some red particles.

"So, Natsu has the fire element." Gildarts said with pride reflecting on his eyes.

"The boy will become firey. Anyways I will go I am being late for my work" Zeref stated and dissapeared in a black magic circle.

"That damn brat always in hurry." Gildarts said to himself closing his eyes.

5 years later

Natsu is seen running around the house searching for his mother while playing hide and seek.

"Mom, mom where are you?" Natsu yelled and went inside the living room then went behind the sofa and found his mother hiding behind the sofa.

"Found you." Natsu screamed in excitement.

"Oh Natsu, you are such a lovely boy." The pink-haired women said.

"Because I am your son." Natsu said smiling.

"Yes, you are. Are you ready to meet the Gremory family today?" Azure asked natsu.

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