Shirou and Atsuya - snow fight

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Yes we are in the middle of summer and I am posting about winter, it's because I wrote it in a loooooong time ago but anyway. Enjoy !


It was 6.30am when you woke up because of your alarm clock. You grumbled while turning over to turn it off, when your gaze, still sleepy, lingered on your window.
Even if it was still dark outside you saw through the street light that was close to your house, many little white dots falling from the sky.
You immediatly lift yourself with twinkle in your eyes.
-It's snowing ! You shouted but not too loud to not wake your sibling(s) who was/were sleeping. (sorry if you don't have one)
You ran to your window and opened the curtains.

You stood a few seconds to observe the snowfall and smiled like a child. Even if it was common in Hokkaido and also that you were now in high school, you still loved snow and some other childish things.
But the fact that you had school today made you sad:you couldn't play in the snow.

You sighed of disappointment and got ready for school.
-How can I play in the snow with this wondered while pouting and doing your hair.
As in all the schools in Japan, you had to wear a uniform. And the girl's one was with a skirt and you were not allowed to wear trousers. And of course a skirt isn't really convenient to play in the snow.

After that you looked at the time and saw that you were late. You rushed in the downstairs and shouted your usual "I'm leaving" before closing the door.

-Shirou ! Atsuya ! You shout to two boys of your age. Both of them had grey-blue eyes (or a kind of green ? Idk) but one had silver hair and the second a salmon coloured hair. They are the Fubuki brothers, your neighbours and best friends.
-Hi [y/n]
-You're late. It's not like it's snowing. Said the salmon haired boy.
-Sorry ! But I'm so happy ! I love snow ! You said while showing your biggest smile.
-It's okay, but now Let's go, we're really going to be late.

You three started to walk to the bus stop that was at only 5 minutes of your home.
When you finally arrived, you saw a poster that said something like "The buses are canceled because of the snow", but you didn't totally read it, too excited to have a day off because none of your parents could ride you to school because of their work.
-But...Snow is common in Hokkaidō...
-We don't care, that's the best news of the day ! It means I can play in the snow ! You replied happily.
-When will you stop to be that childish ? Atsuya said, with a fake annoyed and judging look. He was just teasing you as always, and you found that the best answer was to ignore him. Of course he noticed it.
You started to leave but slowly, you knew they will follow you.
But the salmon haired boy had another idea in mind.

And juste a few seconds later you felt a snowball land up on your neck.
-You...And you say that I'm the childish one ?!
While you were removing the snow, Atsuya was laughing and Shirou tried to not.

And again a few seconds later, Atsuya was the one who receieved a snowball on his face while you were laughing.

Finally it became a snowball fight, at first between you and Atsuya, but you finished by teaming up to attack Shirou. The poor boy didn't understand what happened to him.


-Okay, Okay I give up now let me go ! You shouted while your friends successively threw several snowballs at you when you were on the ground.
Of course the brothers finished by team up and you had become the target. You were caught out at your own game ( even if Atsuya was actually the one who started !)
-But I thought you wanted to play in the snow [y/n]. Atsuya said while throwing an other snowball at you.
-But It's unfair ! You are two against me !
-You didn't find that unfair when you joined Atsuya. He got a point you thought. But you got an idea.
-S-Shirou why don't we team up too against Atsuya eh ? It would be unfair if he's never the target !
-I'm just the favorite!
-Hmm..It can be fun. He replied and threw a snowball at his brother.

It lasted maybe half an hour, you three were playing like little children. And it made you so happy, you skipped class, you played in the snow and more you do it with your best friends.
You were sitting on the snow, completely exhausted and soaked.
-I think we should go home before catch a cold. We're totally soaked
-Aniki is right, we should go now.
-I agree. Wanna go home ? We could drink hot chocolate !
-Let's go ! Said Atsuya while pushing you and Shirou.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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