(폭포 옆에서) Chapter 1 By the waterfall

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Narrator: Do you belive in fate? Well this story is about fate. The fate that brings Prince Dae-hyun and lady Mi-yeong together. With twists and turns and close calls all to keep their love a secret. I honestly have know idea how this story will play out. But as you know it's all about fate. Where should I start? Little tip: {} means thoughts and () means actions. Oh, here we go. Enjoy! :)

(지은) Ji-eun: Prince Dae-hyun? Prince Dae-hyun? Dae-hyun!!!!!

(대현)Dae-hyun: Oh, what?

Ji-eun: Were you even listening?

Dae-hyun: Sorry, but I barely got any sleep last night. Father was nagging me about my birthday. And grandmother was talking about marriage proposals. So I couldn't get much sleep.

Ji-eun: Is complaing all you know.

Dae-hyun: Hey hey, watch who your talking to.

Ji-eun: Okay okay!

Dae-hyun: So what were you talking about?

Ji-eun: Your father decided your birthday will be held the day of the royal hunting event.

Dae-hyun: That's fine with me.

Ji-eun: Okay. You know your birthday is only two days away?

Dae-hyun: Yes, I know. Now you can go. I'm tired, I should get some sleep. There's a lot to do tomorrow.

Ji-eun: Yes.

Narrator: Okay, we're caught up on Dae-hyun. So now lets get to Mi-yeong.

The next day

(나리 means lilly) (나리)Nari: Mi-yeongggg! Wake up. Today is the day. The day you get married and leave me your only friend behind.

(미영)Mi-yeong: mmmh, Your not my only friend.

Nari: Yeah, sure. Come on. You can't be late to your own wedding. So hurry up.

Mi-yeong: Nari, I don't want to get married.

Nari: WHAT? haha, why? It's good for you. You'll live a happy peaceful life and have what ever you want.

Mi-yeong: But, I don't want that. I want to live an adventurous life. I don't want everything planed out.

Nari: Why didn't you tell me this before? You acted so happy. Am I even your friend?

Mi-yeong: You are...

Nari: Then what are you still doing here? You need to run.

Mi-yeong: Should I?

Nari: Yes. Trust me, I'll take care of everything.

Narrator: So, Mi-yeong runs.  But she got lost until...

A woman reads something on the announcement board: The king is looking for new court maids to assist the second prince. If you are interested in becoming a court maid please come to the palace.

Mi-yeong: A court maid? hmm, If I become a court maid father will have to hold off the marrage.

Narrator: Mi-yeong heads to the palace.

Announcer: His Majesty has arrived!

(Everyone bows to the King)

(용욱왕) King Yong-wook: Look at everyone here. So many bright faces.

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