chapter 2

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After a 5 minute walk, Anne arrived at the beach. It was a little windy, but she didn't mind. She sat down on the sand and peacefully watched the sea.

After a while, Anne sees something from far away in the sea. At first, she couldn't tell what it was, but after it came closer, Anne saw that it was a ship. It reminded her that the prince came back from his voyage today. Anne could see his dark, fluffy hair. "Oh, he is so beautiful." She thought. After 10 minutes. The ship was almost at the dock. Now Anne could fully see him. She stared at him for a few seconds, sinking in his blue eyes. But that didn't last long when the prince caught Anne looking at him. She didn't even notice he was looking until he started smiling at her. That woke her up again. Anne looked down from inberresmend. She was so red in her face. She couldn't believe Prince Eric looked at her! He even smiled.

Eric's POV 

After 1'5 months, I could finally go back to land. To the castle, the beach the market the village. I was really excited to be there again. I was looking at the beach until I caught a girl looking at me. She had beautiful  green eyes and long brown hair. She kept staring at me. I smiled at her. But I think I woke her from daydreaming because she quickly looked down at the sand with red cheeks.

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